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South monstalogy block
South monstalogy block
South monstalogy block
An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

An army of 28000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
An army of 26000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
An army of 20000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
An army of 16000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
Wow... I've only just noticed the missing word in that sentence after "reading" it thousands of times over the past few years.

towards *the* north?  ya, i've seen it.  there are so many grammatical errors in this game, i don't even bother commenting on them anymore.  glad you finally caught it though!
An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

time for the final push everyone.  can we clear it by saturday?

An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

You take a little rest...
You've regenerated some hitpoints!
You've regenerated some manapoints!
An army of 6000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

You take a little rest...
You've regenerated some hitpoints!
An army of 5000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
cleared... huge party of people up there helping clear.  thanks to all.
Once again, my former partner amazes me... do you know how many you cleared tourist? 2500? 3000?!? More??!!!?

WD in anycase!!
Anybody have any idea which monsters are going to be repopulated here?
I know one for sure...

The larkinorian imagebox has populated the area.
Your monstalogy skill has increased by 6, totalling 9565!

Cal, you missed this by a single minute lol - thanks for the help!:)

The imagebox is now on the block with the two bushy trees.
After 200 first-pops(detailed in "magyar topic") and now over 10k monsta, SSJ Mia rests.:)
just what i have added to these squares today with WandToter

2 north of teleport
The dykeian nutcrackercrab 
The towergolem
The old goldendragon
The ork bladefighter
The giant fighter
The old deformdragon
The larkinorian daemontamer
The ork shaman 
The old 7-headed dragon
The adult 7-headed dragon
The chameleon
The fleshgolem 
The adult basilisk 
The centaur boss 
The goblin general
The white tiger 
The flyingskull 
The old granitedragon
The goblin martial artists squad
The clothgolem
The iron maiden 

1  north of teleport gate
The old granitedragon 
The minotaur warrior

2 north of pub/fortress
The cloning error
The mammutfly
The wealthy merchant 
The chameleon 
The towergolem 
The old deformdragon
The old 3-headed dragon 
The old granitedragon
The adult goldendragon 
The goblin martial artists squad 
The flyingskull 
The barbarian of north-skive
The leviatan 
The shriekingzombie 
The old 7-headed dragon
The heavily built bully
The old frostdragon 
The adult 7-headed dragon 
The bloodthirsty mosquitoswarm 
The fleshgolem 
The ork shaman
The stump-tribe shaman 
The spiritspider
The wave-elemental 

1 north of pub/fortress
The lighttwister
The diamond minersnail

the earthmagic tome square
The diamond minersnail 

1 west of earth tome square
The leviatan 
1north 1west of earth tome
The diamond minersnail 
The kerbimp
The magosaur
The old goldendragon
The old shadedragon 
south teleport gate 
The old 3-headed dragon