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any UpRs?
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any UpRs?
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any UpRs?
hey guys
i just wanted to ask if there are some of the UpRs still around wiht other names...Massacre,Omega etc... started to play again ...
cya guys!
hopefully som 1 is still here ;)

F.†.W snake
Hey Snake, I aint playing anymore but was thinking about making a comeback in the new year. How you been :-) 

I remember you snake.  Not a UPR  but welcome back.
ye astrit wants to start again as well so we would be 3 ^^
Yh snake its me SpEeD i mite start playing again on UPR
Snake UPR For your information Arstrit is aldready in a clan and hes the leader of it

Arstrit UPR is right now BRUTAL VODKA and he is the leader of the clan ;)

~Urban Legend~