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How can I change Chess Graphics?
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How can I change Chess Graphics?
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How can I change Chess Graphics?
How can I change Chess piece graphics to classic shapes.  The contemporary shapes through me.  Lame I know, still..
Sorry, but there is no way to change the graphics. =(
Another original initiative from the good people from FlyOrDie (I better get payed for saying that).
Hmmmm, i wonder if you've came to favor the setup at this point ? when i first came here to fly or die, i was not only new to online chess and having to adjust for playing on the screen but the pieces also seemed to me similar, however after just a few days i started to adjust to the pieces and the not only flat but also vertical board, after a couple weeks it was all quite clear and i was adjusting pretty well.. NOW i think fly or die has the best chess graphics and pieces available by far! ive tried other on screen chess and the stuanton pieces to me are just so lame and harder to keep an eye on that i play much better here at fly or die than with any other piece set on screen.... also it is funny ive been playing a program and having very much difficulty beating the 2000 elo infact it seems it was hopeless so i got my board out set it up and played that way i beat it the first game ! it is strange .....just wondering if youve came to love the pieces and graphics yet ? 
How can I change Chess piece graphics to classic shapes. I want biger board, please. how can i do it ?
We already answered that you can not change the chess graphics. I've been to this site for about 3 years and I havn't found a way on how to make the board bigger. However I would imagine that enlarging the board will pixilate the pieces anyway.

It isn't hard to tell the difference between pieces anyway it's beyond second nature for me.
you can't change anything here,it is like it is ;)