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For what I pay money?!
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For what I pay money?!
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For what I pay money?!
For what I pay money?! 
Why communication with a server constantly breaks?!
All other Internet works perfectly and only communication with a server flyordie breaks, but in some seconds I again can enter into new game and after several minutes again breakage... 
Thus ping gs1.flyordie.com shows that communication is... 

Why when communication breaks to me defeat is set off?! It is I fault!!! 


you pay money because you help flyordie to stop the dc`s

Thats why he is asking because he is paying and still getting dcs
I am sorry but where do you see that if you subscribe you will not get dc's?


Well they are helpful.

Anyway, what is your connection speed and what do you connect through (IE; router, modem, cable/dsl).  First thing to check is if your connection is stable and at what speed it's at- 

After that make sure cables are plugged in properly and secured, more often than not the disconnections are on your side rather than the company you connect too.
It does not say you will not get dcs but you would except a good service when you pay for something maybe not even a good service but you would think if you payed to play a game you could actually play the game without being disconnected, and fearnloathin  I know what your saying is true but it happens to too many people for it to be a problem on the users end.
Yes OPERATOR is right... i subbed and still got disconnects ;)