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FOD Snooker Championship
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FOD Snooker Championship
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FOD Snooker Championship
32 people, straight knockout.

1st round = bo5
2nd round = bo7
Quarter final = bo9
Semi final = bo11
Final = bo 13

All games played in Unrated. 

Leave your name if you want to enter.

When theres 32 i will put up the draw.

 not much on it yet.

Winner can call themselves king of Snooker and go in the websites hall of fame.

If this is a success then there will be 8ball n 9ball tourneys to.

Why are you putting your names down:S? The tourney was months ago...
What gonna happen with this tourny, i aint seen Ronnie for months now so wonderin if anyone else has...
Do you not think maybe you're to late?
Ronnie i will be on in mornings this week 9 30 am till about 12 if your on mate.
Woah I completely forgot I ever put my name down for this! I just stopped looking at the post untill Rockin music just told me he played me in the tourney!? It also says he won 3-1 in this post! Well I never played that game but to whoever pretended to be me and played it for me well done, and pitty you didn't do better:p
I have time in Friday (evening) and will ve free all saturday.
Finally we got ourselves a final, Well done Ronnie! :p
Ill be on tonight Uk time around 7pm and onwards in your on mate.
Mick, believe me it isn't a slagging match, if it was dont you think mods would have deleted them?

All good players dont like losing!! if they did, they wouldn't be good?! You can ask any top player that! if they say otherwise they are lieing!

So basicaly, if you dont like this, dont do anything in life, because there will always be people like this!

ty Matt :D
Lol Mick, grow up? you of all people telling someone to grow up, now that is funny. how old are you 40-50? and everytime i come on you come in my games starting an argument like a little kid, why dont you mind your own business for once in your life and grow up yourself.
It doesn't look like a slagging match to me Mick, it's more like spirit of competition (or something along those lines! :p).
OMG ... VANIAN AND ROCKET ... you are both very good players but it is such a shame when you both bring the game in to dissrepute by moaning and crying like a couple of kids ... you are both high ranking players and should be showing more respect for each other and setting an example for others to follow ... is it worth entering competitions or even playing the game to achieve a high level only to end up having a slagging match which at the end of the day is totally pointless ???????????? grow up and show more respect for each other and everybody else !!!!!!!!!!!! 

a year off :p? that's clearly over exaggerating ;\ 
Hi ronnie,

I have been looking about for you mate. I will be on 8pm till 10pm monday tuesday and wednesday if u can make it.

I don't play 24/7 an I've come back after a year off an got crown pretty much straight away. If the other players play 24/7 they arnt very good...:p
i know im a bad loser and am no where as good as i used to be! (mainly down to the fact i dont play 24/7 like i used to, and like what every one does now!) that just goes to show how rubbish players are now! if some one who doesn't play any more, comes into this and gets the semi's, takes one of the favs to win it to a close game (would have been closer and even a possible win if not for fluked safetys) playing crap!

but believe me it was around 10-15 fluked safetys!! the time of some of those safetys was the key! a few was at the end, when i only needed a couple balls for the game, you fluked them i got out but then you cleared! dont get me wrong, i missed a few balls to win games, but i was annoyed at the fact of these safetys!

as for my safety, i am not going to risk a silly long shot to just gift you the game! im crap at long shots and then trying to pot them with 1440x900 res makes it even harder!

ty Matt :D

Lol matt who are you trying to fool here, lets get a few things straight here pal...first 3 games some of shots you played were absolutely pathetic m8 and im sure Sean John the guy who watched the first few games would back me up on this as i was sayin to him how bad the games were going...i wasnt moaning away like you claim all i said was im playin bad and i got aggrivated because of the way you was playing, ive never seen anyone go so safe.

If any long shots were on, you'd tap behind colours no doubt,i come here to play for fun m8, fair enough if you play safe but you went beyond safe play...after you went 3-0 up i started smashing the pack for open games and thats when i got it back, like i said in my last post i fluked a few (not 15 lol), there were 2 guests watchin us from start to finish and if they want to come say what they saw then i hope they do.

At the end of the day your a bad loser. you've got a reputation of being a bad loser fair enough you Used to be awesome but now your not so awesome, you had your chances and it wasnt too late at all to come back m8 so dont come here with that rubbish, now go find your dummy ;).
Fluked a few? how about how many fluked snookers and safetys you got! If i'm correct there was about 15 of those! 

As a defensive player, i wait for mychances, which i should get alot of ag an attacking player. but cos of your luck, i was ending up with silly shots most of the game, then the time i did get a simple shot it was too late!

As for the better player won, i completely disagree ;) it all comes down on the day, i was shocking yet i didn't complain about it! unlike you when you was 3-0 down ;) you didn't shut up about it!

O well, good luck in the final

Matt :D
u won scotty :O i saw u were struggling at 2-0 to Rockets safety play:) who ever u play in final will be a class match.
Lol matt come off it mate, we sit here for 3 hours and what and you say luck ? 

You went 3-0 up and luck gets me back into it ? Fair enough i fluked a few but that doesnt mean i won because of it...you had plenty of chances to win the game but you just wasn't good enough mate, at the end of the game the best player on the night won...nobody wins a bo11 through luck and thats a fact, they were games of Attack(me) Vs Defence (you) and the best defence is attack :p
Lost 6-4

Should have been an easy win for me, but hay, luck got involved!

Thanks for tourny!

Signing off
Matt! :D
Yeah, come onto msn, you will never get hold of me other than that!!!!
Cant seem to find matt anywere :|

Show yourself :D
hi all 
and now the tourney is over ? i dont see my next player in the tabelle :S
Scotty, i can't play till next weekend as im away from home working!

ty Matt
>also Rocket n Paraylzed 2 great players and ppl

Erm, yeah I'm out btw! ;)
Well im just happy ive made it this far considering the competition at the start of this tournament, its been a long one but we've got there :p 

This Semi shouldn't take to long to finish and im gonna have to do well to beat Rocket hes proved he's definately one of best ever on this site in this tourny, how many people can come back after so long off and get this far ? dont think many can ;).

Gl to Enigma and Ronnie should be a cracking game :p
ronnie vs Enigma what a match that will be

also Rocket n Paraylzed 2 great players and ppl

gl all of yous;)
Sven and Rockin have both quit FOD im told, dont matter though i reckon they would of lost anyway:D

Semi Finals

Mr Vanian v Rocket

Ronnie O KIEV v Enigma
I agree Rocket should go through as given the situation it would have been near impossible for Jaak to win but a rematch would give him a much bigger chance. Don't think Jaak did it on purpose though, don't know him but he doesn't sound like the type of person who would cheat.
I believe you, but Rocket had a great frame chance by sound of things and its not hes fault u d/c.....
It's no problem guys. Rocket is a great player and deserves to be in the last four and as Champ says it's not his fault if I dc. But think it from my point of view also, I'm playing for 3,5 hours and hundreds of balls are potted but I don't see the last four of them. I swear I'd rather lose properly than have a dc on a late point like that. And yes, of course it sounds unbelievable and seems obvious that I try to cheat.

I still hope no one of you thinks I lie, cos in the end having your respect is more important for me than staying in the tournament. Fair play is always nro 1 for me. Thanks to Scotty for believing in me. 
Jaak, i did agree about that rule as if it was close!

But that is with reds still on the table, not right at the end when im about to win!

I have spoken to few people about this (3 players still in tourny, 2 former league head admins, and a mod), and they all agree that this is to late in the game to play a rematch!

I will say again, i will not be playing a rematch, so its either I go through, or you go through! what ever the admin of this tourny says, is what is going to happen!

ty Matt
i agree with Rocket he sent me a message on msn about 3hrs before the game finished, saying what he thought jaakima was going to do, asking about the DC's etc.. in my opinion this should go down as a win to Rocket
O yea weres Rockin Music, ive been lookin for him for days and he aint been on.
Hmm, tis fishy but i have respect for Jaak and really dont think he's one for lying about a dc as ive never ever seen him moan about anything in the game, not sure what yer gonna do now i think the rematch with rocket 25-30 start ? should settle it :D
Does sound a bit dodgy Jaakima especially 4-4 with a frame winning chance. Im going to give the win to Rocket as its not hes fault u d.c on a frame winning break.

Agreed with Rocket, he won don't try fool people Jaakima.

I asked about the dc thingy just to make sure what to do if this happens so that we don't need to argue. It did happen - and here we are arguing. No wonder if it looks like planned when it happens in the last moments of the last frame. But it wasn't. I'm not that sad person. I can lose to a better player, but the balls need to be potted. 

The score was 63-60 after the green, meaning you still had to pot blue and pink. Sure you had a great chance to win, but it wasn't clear. 

I don't blame you for not believing me, I wouldn't probably believe you in the same case. Still, I find it sad that you are not even answering me anymore when I'm trying to discuss about this. I have no more interest to play a rematch after such a sad ending. Wouldn't be fun anymore, and the point of the game is to have fun. 

I just hope no one thinks I'd try such a stupid thing.

Thanks for Championship for arranging this and gl to everyone! 

Me vs Jaakkima,

4-4 in games
64-60 to me in final game!

Right at that time, I had a easy brown, with a simple blue after. Then all of a sudden Jaakkima disappears as if he's left the game! When i leave the game, he is already in lobby waiting claiming a dc!

Also, at the start of the games he asked me "what happens if i dc?" - this dc as he calls it happened right at the time of me finally taking the lead for the first time in the whole match. Which to me is very fishy!

I personally am not playing a rematch! I know i would have won from that postion, so im claiming a 5-4 win!

ty Matt

OK... had my match with Rocket. The last frame ended with DC, and we still disagree of the result. 

In the beginning we had an agreement that if there's no big score difference and dc happens, the frame is draw.

This is what happened (I checked the score from a IRC-log where I was talking about the game with a friend, lol).

Frames 4-4.
Score 60-60. Five balls left.
Rocket pots green 63-60. Good pos for brown.
Rocket says he pots brown and then he sees me leaving.

The problem is that he didn't pot the rest of the balls and he needed still two of them (I'm not doubting he pot the brown). I know it was good chance for him to win, but I still think it isn't over properly.

I know people will think I dcd on purpose and I would think that too if that happened to my opponent in such situation. But what can I do? I want to hear what you guys think about this. I know a draw is not fair here, because he probably would have won. But victory for him is not fair either. I think this is not a nice way to end such a match (3,5 hours) for either of us. I'd rather lose properly than win with a rematch after this, but after playing the match for the whole evening I'm not going to give up before someone else judges it. And the leader of this tournament is the one to do it. I can play a rematch where I give him good lead, or what ever. But if you think he won, then ggs ty np :) Great match anyway.

Beat Paralyzed 5-3. 
Was class games
Just played Enigma and lost 5-3, were great games. :)
Can't wait to play the next match :) Late sunday evening could be good time for me.
Rockin ill be on around 6 30 pm Uk time tonight m8 if your on. :p
man some good games there, if only i knew when they was playing and i could watch:p
Sorry guys i been very busy...

Quarter Finals

Enigma v Paralyzed

Ronnie O Kiev v Sven

Rockin Music v Mr Vanian

Jaakima v Rocket

All very very very good players should be some great games, oh ye games are now bo9 im sure u probably knew anyway... good luck.
Rocket won. You played well Matt .....

Best of luck to all contestants. This was fun :)
Right, in my 2nd round game, i am leading 2-0 and the machine wont answer me no more, so i dont know what is going on with this game!

To the point of the whole tourny, can't we get a neutral person to take over it, so we can get it rolling again?!!
I guess this isn't going any further? :|
Machine, i added you to my msn about a week ago, i haven't seen you on at all!! 
Come on Rocket, IM me at lonesharx@hotmail.com 
Cmon guy's this is goin on for too long now, lets make more of an effort ;)
4-3 to me....but was well close:(¬
Hope my next victim lays down alot easier :p?
Enigma just beat me 4-3, gl in rest :p
Ray I should be on all day tomorrow so hopefully we'll get our game played soon. :)

ok, weekends best for me... as im off work, so weneva
Hi Corn,

Im online now until about 10. I will be on friday night and most of the weekend.  I have been on every now and again but we seem to keep missing each other.
Hope to see u soon :p
I still haven't heard anything from "The Machine" was wondering if any one has seen or spoken to him?

cheers matt
I think people know that Baz but its worth a try if a mods checking but it doesnt usually happen lol i normally post and its on a day later like you say...maybe if Fod could make this topic so when you post it goes straight on...
can i just say something, ppl are posting saying im on now, it could be a few hours or a day or so till post is approved so it really is no good saying im on now, lol.

just a little hinter for ya alls:p

<<Well I certainly hope it's not a day ;) >>

[Edited by: RalphTheDog on Jul 30, 2007 9:20 PM]
yeah im around now so ill keep an eye out for you later
i am cornflake... sub ran out so i'l b usin this
wen u wanna play enigma?
>paralyzed I can play monday and wednesday evening if thats ok for you ?

Hmm will you be on after 10:30pm (UK time) on these days? I work both of these evenings 6pm-10pm.
alright, Machine please let me know when you want to play our games? i have got your msn from a previous post! so we can maybe arrange it on there!

ty matt
HmmOkayThen I'm on quick or room 1 usually in the afternoon. Come on ;)
ok Mr.Vanian won me at turney :D
Im on now -SNOOK- if your on...

I work on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Apart from that I should be free most of the time.
paralyzed I can play monday and wednesday evening if thats ok for you ?
I played Fret and won 4-1 (2nd round) . Fret can u agree please? :)
Hey SNOOK i wont be able to play today but i will be on tomorrow morning at 9 30am UK time. :p
hey where is Mr.Vanian :S i want for answer at which day / time we play
The Saijyin i'm free today and tommorov at evening
And why I'm not on the list? :D
^hey vanian at which day we play ? today or what :D
oops lol, very un profesional (was in a hurry:))

Second Round

HmmOkayThen v Jaakima

The Saijyin v Ronnie O KIEV

Mr Vanian v $$_SNOOK_$$

Rocket v The Machine

Sven v Skilled Crown

Paralyzed v Iguana

Fret v Rockin Music

Enigma v Cornflake
So u say that Iguana must play 2 games ? :|
Why is Iguana playing twice :S?
Second Round

HmmOkayThen v Iguana

The Saijyin v Ronnie O KIEV

Mr Vanian v $$_SNOOK_$$

Rocket v The Machine

Sven v Skilled Crown

Paralyzed v Iguana

Fret v Rockin Music

Enigma v Cornflake

bo7, play games before the 3rd of August
Whats goin on with this tourny man, you said all games had to be played by 25th, if they aint played then kick em out and get on with it. Been 2 days now since deadline and still people aint played you gave em 4-5 days to play and thats long enough...lets just get on with next round.
hey i want to play first round but martinduffy dont was here ?? what now ??:S
yo just beat brooklyn 3-2, he got 70 break first frame lol, i have ss but cant b bothered to post it on forum, if u want proof ill send it to u

Omg! Maybe flyordie are right to stay clear of reformatting the toury! Lol, i'm at work, e-mail me, i'm going on holiday! This time next year maybe, Over complicated nonsense! but i respect the attempt by fellow players to org sumthing decent. Whats up with plain old straight knock-out toury like i suggested earlier and then beef up the final bo3 or 5 maybe, setup would be far less complicated. 

The only solution for this spagetti western is to get fod to org it! u ther at set time for ur time zone an u play simple konckout at the set time. Easy man! i shudder at the thought of boiling an egg! lol. Keep it simple folks! Peace an happy gaming folks.
K next round...If you havent played your games then i just put through who i think made the most effort to find oponent.

The fixtures will be decided by a random draw, the 1st post giving me 8 fixtures will be taken.

eg 8 V 5, 16 V 1, 2 V 3....

right brooklyn, i am online now until about lunchtime lol, gimme a shout when ur on, email me fret1308@hotmail.co.uk

I'm sorry for what happened. Shall I play again with real coolcole? It's no problem but won't have time before tomorrow evening!
Wait, that Extreme Choker nick above me was only registered yesterday wereas the one which signed up to tourny with was registered on July 1st so they are two different people, the one above me must be the kid copying the nicks. Ill get a mod to have a look.
I seen part of the Jaakimaa game vs Coolcool and the nick was with a capital C i check the info and there was no Snooker games played he told me he was an 8baller...

Now with Extreme Choker sayin that seems like some kid is copyin nicks and playin with them. Cant believe some kids can be so immature and try to spoil this. 

For next rounds we need to make SURE that were playin the right guy coz this tournament has gone well so far...
Zain won't play me never any reply.
I haven't played the sayjin yet so how can i have lost 3-0 the cheat!
Extension please:) 

8am-11 i think i can do
thursday morning 
>Pfff seems like someone has played with your name... The nick I played has capital letter C... so it's a different account I suppose?

Ah, well. Well played, anyway lol
Pfff seems like someone has played with your name... The nick I played has capital letter C... so it's a different account I suppose?
>Coolcole93 - Jaakkima 


How the heck is that possible?!? Either the SS was faked or someone knows my password because I was away all last week!
Hey, I played and lost even though I've been away all week...That's unfortunate...lol
lol brooklyn i work all week 6-2 except for thursday u gonna b on early morning on thursday? if they will hold the draw for us :p
Rσckιn Mυsιc. 3-1 Rise  
Scott if u can agree ty 
>*Screen Capture Link Removed,
>Contains Profanity Or Other
>Inappropriate Content.

Sorry, let me try again!


>I just won exstreme chocker 3:0, but i dont know how 2 post ss.

1. www.imageshack.us
2. Upload your screenshot.
3. Copy the link titled "Hotlink for forums (2)"
4. Paste that link in a post here.

And that should be you sorted. :)
Fret  i  can play now :)
after 10 tuesday and wednesday 
im working all week 2pm-10pm ffs:) or very early in morning.
I just won exstreme chocker 3:0, but i dont know how 2 post ss. :-( how can i do now:-(? can u help me plz?
Id rather have the random draw to be honest lol, first i got to beat Jaak then Rocket or Enigma? :p sounds tough :D
Thanx Machine... but the the matches are decided by a random draw not winner of match 1 plays winner of match 2.
I have created a bracket with all the names and will update them accordingly. To view it simply go to:


and click on "Championship Bracket" link
That website would be no use as each round is a random draw, i will put the 2nd round draw up on the 26th.
I won 3-0 vs Dan Kaine, I don't know how to send SS
hi Championship

look this i think u must make it so than all can see who play .

sry for my crap eng :S

ty sven

Danny Kane.....IM me at lonesharx@hotmail.com . I am usually on/off between 1:00pm - 8:00pm UK time.

Danny Kane....IM me at lonesharx@hotmail.com, lets get this started :)
brooklyn.. im on for a few hours if u are too...
I dont know who Peril is i think its perilous not sure btu he aint been on since round 1 was posted because he aint posted here...ive put my msn up just waiting on him now. :p
Result: -Paralyzed- 3-0 SV Lippstadt 08 

*Screen Capture Link Removed,
Contains Profanity Or Other
Inappropriate Content.

[Edited by: Forum Moderator on Jul 22, 2007 9:50 PM]
king of saturn is on holiday...
i dnt no if he'l b bk by time we have 2 play
if he aint, i go thru yes?
Im on all day now if Peril is on.
theeking i have been online all day today. I will be ontuesday and wednesday 8pm till 11. i will not leave email address for obvious reasons

c ya soon
Don't worry if you can't find your opponent, I have a good idea whos going to make and effort to try and play and who isn't and also if you get to the later rounds it will be easier to find your opponents. 
Well played Rocket i'll put you through to next round.
What happens if I cannot find the opponent?

And some info about the tournament timetable would be nice.
if u won't find ur opponent then u have to tell this to Championship. and u automatically go to next round.
tournament timetable hmm..all games bo5 ( race to 3 wins ) , 1st round must be played by wednesday,25th of july.
Jaakima read back through the posts, you may gather some more information. ;)

Altough Zain came onto Msn I didn't actually get a good response from him, apart from ";\" which wasn't useful :p

And a big thanks to Championship for going out of his way to ogranising this, let's hope it runs smoothly :p
And some info about the tournament timetable would be nice.
Sorry I'm not sharing my address here... But I'm online in quick snooker usually in the afternoon about between 2pm - 8pm Finland time (=+2 hours UK time).

If you Coolcole93 see this please try find me or if you leave your MSN address here, I will add you.

What happens if I cannot find the opponent?
I can more say. I am not SVENNNN!

I announced myself the tournament, before why wars I not?

Championships, can you no understand? Check on Mods, that are sven and i not a people-Player. HM

i played rocket just now and lost 3-1

many congrats rocket m8 and best of luck next round:p

gl to all players and hats of to u championship for organising

Strong Regards Bazza:)
i beat baz-attack


i have the ss but i dont know how to post it on this

ty matt
I'll play my game with Max tomorrow ;)

For anyone I may end up facing later on in this tourny (providing I can actually get past the first round) my address is listerthelegend@hotmail.com - I'm never on it, but I'll make an effort to go on it while this thing is running.
Well played Sven i'll put u through everyone hurry up n play:D

sith tourney has already started ;)
yo addy is fret1308@hotmail.co.uk

im generally available weekdays after 2:30 pm UK time
First game is finished was me against Sven, I had to go so I conceded, congratulations to Sven! He will be back with a ss as proof...
hi Championship sith is not sven ;-) but now is tolate im steve davis ,eagle eye and Sven and not more ;-)
My Nick is not sven. Really! OMG, Sven will to write here. lol.

Please, accept me in the Turney. :-(
Billy/The Omen

add me on rayz@hotmail.co.uk and we can arrange from there 

lol snook tourney has already begun,u gotta find ur opponent and play him in unrated room(bo5):D
and ty nando :D
sry i dont give my mail add but im always @ 15.30 german time in quick
> 7.Paralyzed v SV Lipstadt

Nice game :D ,gl both.
ok people which time begin the turney.... which clock :S sryx my english is a bit difficult lol ! :) and at which room, ty
hey first gl to all for the turney :D my email adress is....      zavisa@t-online.de
Also if you dont find your opponent and you write a reply saying you cant find him, and your if opponent dont reply i will put you through. The early rounds will be harder 2 find people but when the later stages happen the better players know who each other are i hope.
Sith u enterered on your name Sven;)
Btw that is my MSN address strangely enough Peril ;\
For those who don't know how to put screenshot in here:
go to www.imageshack.us
upload your screenshot
copy on of the links it gives to you
paste it in forum message
Zain :)

LiamzEffectz@hotmail.com add me we arrange boy. ;)
:-( :-(

Why I dont play to FOD Championships. I have to Join first last 3 ppl. :-( :-(

Could do with findin out Peril's ill be on tomorrow morning if hes on.
ty championship

rocket my msn is Bazzer94@hotmail.co.uk, get intouch and we can ave a good game m8:)
Shaune4u email me or add: ronniefromkiev@hotmail.com
PS. i will be free in saturday 21 of july all the day.
would be nice if u also would leave ur msn here:p
Round 1 (Best of 5)

1.Eric Abidal V Sven

2.King of Saturn v Cornflake

3.Brooklyn  nyc V Fret

4. The Omen v Iguana

5.Skilled Crown V Blue Devil

6.Shaune4u  V Ronnie O Kiev .UA

7.Paralyzed v SV Lipstadt

8.HmmOkayThen v Zain

9.Peril v Mr Vanian

10.Coolcole93 v Jaakima

11.theeking v  Enigma

12.Baz Attack V Rocket

13.Rise V Rockin Music

14.$$_SNOOK_$$ v Martin Duffy

15.Danity Kane V The Machine

16.Extreme Choker V The Saiyajin

Please make a big effort to find your oponents leaving your MSN adress would be helpfull so your opponent can contact you.

If you win your game reply to this topic with the result and a ScreenShot for proof.

First round Games must be played by the 25th Of July.
Looks like we got a tourny underway, Just gotta hope everyone can be on...i think best way to do it is post here the fixtures Champ then give ppl a few days to play there games, if there not on they lose ;) 

Gl to everyone :p
Sry, accept me, and not with ◄śιтђ►! Sith-Lord is my first, that want to join. Thank. 

I know Sith lord is tht sith so dont put em both in, not sure if hes SNOOK so be wary Champ ;) ask a mod to check :p
hey please KICKK my gamelort vns and put $$_SNOOK_$$ into, ty ! it's my nick :D
Put me in the list for the turney pls
-Paralyzed-, Skilled Crown™ , Mr Vanian, HmmOkayThen, Peril, Kιиg σƒ Såtυяη, Swahili-Emblem, Ronnie O KIEV.UA, fret130887, coolcole93, The Omen™, Cоrnflake, Jaakkima, -Iguana-, theeking, Enigma, Baz Attack, Rockin Music, Shaune4u, SV Lippstadt 08, The Blue Devil, βгοοkζγη ήγс™, Martin Duffy, Danity Kane, Rocket, Rise, Sven, The Saiyajin, The Machine 

3 more ppl:D

PLZ KICK Steve Davis´ i play Sven ty
Go on then ill play if matts playing.

Good of you to do tourney btw:)
Enter me, even though im playing poor
wow theres some good players there
Paralyzed-, Skilled Crown , Mr Vanian, HmmOkayThen, Peril, King of Saturn, Swahili-Emblem, Ronnie O KIEV.UA, fret130887, coolcole93, The Omen, Cоrnflake, Jaakkima, -Iguana-, theeking, Enigma, Baz Attack, Rockin Music, Shaune4u, SV Lippstadt 08, The Blue Devil, Brooklyn nyc, Martin Duffy, Danity Kane, Rocket*

-Paralyzed-, Skilled Crown™ , Mr Vanian, HmmOkayThen, Peril, Kιиg σƒ Såtυяη, Swahili-Emblem, Ronnie O KIEV.UA, fret130887, coolcole93, The Omen™, Cоrnflake, Jaakkima, -Iguana-, theeking, Enigma, Baz Attack, Rockin Music, Shaune4u, SV Lippstadt 08, The Blue Devil, βгοοkζγη ήγс™, Martin Duffy, Danity Kane, Rocket.

7 more ppl come on guys:)
yeah me too Martin Duffy ....... 
Well well well ! Why not . put me down
   Damien :)
ive decided ill join, sounds good:d
im thinking weather to join or not, tough decision
Yeh, good luck with running it.
I think you will have alot of trouble getting people to be online at same time etc... 
I ran something simular for 9ball and 8ball a while back and it was a pain getting people together to play.
Anyways i wont be joining, as i seen the competition there isnt any point taking part :p!

hey i changed my mind i dont want to join in tourney... 
cool idea just what if ppl cant make it, and the rounds are quite long, if it was quick snooker then would be better.

still well done on making i take my hat of to ya:)
8 people in so far all good players aswell, ask your m8's 2 join if u can. :)
i want in on this one put me  in :>:>:>
I don't care about the prize, and I bet most people don't. 

If someone is going to the trouble of organising this then I'll join just to boost the number of players :D
Aw this is a great idea!! 

I stink at Snooker still (I'm a newbie at the game really) but I wish all of the players luck!!


pointless reply to be honest ronnie, why it need prizes theres top players playing in it and knockout system is fun.
Don't think it will be a good tourney because:
1) No prizes 
2) Should be for everyone (not for first 32 players who will put their names in this topic)

Anyway gl.

TY Ronnie.
Great idea. Sign me up for this one.

You need a pretty golden star if you're organising this =]
If you want to view page u hav to register for bebo.com but you can just make a quick acount thats not even in your name and details just to see the page.
Skilled Crown™ doubt i'll win though im off form:@
Wow, big up to you if you're gonna orgainse it and all... :)

Stick my name down ;)
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