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True Legends Of Flyordie
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True Legends Of Flyordie
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True Legends Of Flyordie
This is a topic for the people who have been on for quite a while now but anyone who you think has been a great player or great character/asset to the snooker world on flyordie, here`s your chance to give them a well deserved shoutout!!! Try to give an explanation as to why they are so great for the game here!!

First up for me..

Ronnie O Kiev - One of the greatest players to grace Flyordie snooker

Jaswild - One of those guys who just oozes annoyance yet everyone loves him for it gotta be worth a mention Jas

Cheesey - A naturally fantastic player who beat pretty much everyone at one time or another an absolute legend to Flyordie and has been here for so long now

Mickranger - Been around the block a bit. a fantastic player on his day though

Mr Vanian - Another quality player who has been here for a while

Chas. - Chas is a great player who has been here for so long now a great asset to snooker

MartinDuffy - Another absolute legend of the game

Add as many great people from Flyordie as you can please. Not just your mates just want people who make this game exciting and enjoyable!! The True Legends of Flyordie!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree Ronnie is one of the all time greats, Jaswild is just Jaswild :| and i can't believe you included him we all know about how he got his points etc ;) Cheesey is Good, lol @ mick, chas is consistent and very funny, and Duffy is one of fod's good guys and decent on his day :D but none of these are legends, it's an online game :)
no mention or the true greats?

eg scotty, stezz, matt, spence, max, jamie bisp, KeepeR these were the tru greats coz they took the game to a whole new level


And do you personally remember them or did you copy what everyone else said? Yeah they are the true legends, but many of the players that play now will have joined after they quit. 
Zain, Ic3 m4n, wicked cue, perilous, skilled cue, vince carter, 6ers and rich van =]
theres to many

id say the legend of fod and a good m8 of mine Ronnie O.KIEV.UA
I have to add Skilled Cue, tiago, Orphan Kid, swedishmodel :p
Don't play snooker enough these days, but there's only a select few players who deserve a shout in this topic:

Mr Vanian - always been class and good to play against.

Chauncey Billups (Domi) - despite his attitude at times.

The Crown - Not played him much but again class and fair.

Ronnie O Kiev - Same again.

Most of the rest are cheaters, or are just bad players.

And last but not least...

Bloodsimple - :D:p

Joke btw ;).
erm scott are u talking about me? lol :p
ah and Martin i cant belive u forgot me :'(
Errrr Legends of Pro :D

Ronnie OKIEV -  Shame he dont play as often as he used to because when he gets going hes no doubt best potter and positional player.

Paralyzed - Put him in becuase of how good he was, now he's turned to 8ball i dont think much of him :p jk m8 ;) was my fav player to go up against.

Martin Duffy - Went from a complete noob to one of best on here within a month or two...you'd think it'd be impossible but not for him.

The Crown - Always been consistant and great to play against,nice guy too !

Squirelli - Great to play against always makes me laugh when im on in the morning, very energetic player and doesnt care for points at all.

Enigma - Great to see him return was one of best when Pro wasn't here and is one of best with Pro.

Dunno if i missed anyone out, probably have :|

Id put Fret in but he aint been on for a while :p also Chauncey Billups but he keeps makin all these excuses not to play me :p.

Wow guys and m8's it is a big honour for me to hear those comments, big respect to you all. And also i want to say sorry because i can't play many last time...lot of work you know:( but i promise that one day i will comeback at my best form ever as in old good days.

TY all, Ronnie O.KIEV.UA. 
Boomer ( Ryan )
Perilous ( Even tho i hated that @#$£ ) :)
No1_Player ( Scotty good kid )
Hara Kiri ( But lately been abit dodgy mate )
Salad Fingers ( Think that was the name or Nick if i can remember )
You da Man ( Me obviously )

Lmao years ago them nicks :D.

I dont even know if half of them still play :D 

Cya then losers
pleasure ronnie and imk sure when ull be better than ever one day soon
glad to see my name mentioned, if not in passing lol, iv said it b4 and will probably say it again.... im the best lol

just kidding, yo vanian ill give u a game sometime kid, show u how a true lege plays 

peace B-)
pmsl get a life ronnie okiev..sutch a hero on a internet game...lets see you do it on a real table then u can brag how great your rofl
A bit dodgy? lol I been dire:p, getting it back at last though, sloooowly. Yeah Salad is Nick an he still players, dunno bout others though.
rise u scotty aernt ya? and im scott btw aka mastermind not seen u in ages m8 :p?

2 Master:

LOL. What is a difference good or bad i am in real billiard. We discuss only internet billiard in this topic. But specially for you i will answer. In snooker i am terrible (coz this game isn't so popular in our country and there is not many tables in here) but in "russian pyramid" i play verry good and i've took 2nd place(total number of registered players were 64) in my University and i can proove it :)Hope i gave you a fullfil answer :)
O right so you would know lol. I'm Scott as in Hara, you alright mate, didn't know you still played, I've really only just got back though. Still abit rusty:p.
You Đα Mαи™ 
who r ya? :p

u put me in ya list :p
Im scotty ;\ thas Hara :p alright fret, jason :p
yo scotty, is the real Fret here the legend lol, well in real life neway
since i started in 01 only class players ive seen are:

Old Days:

Mark J Williams
Neo Postpool
golden child

These days:

Billy :)
Domi,NotiVago,Bladefocus,Rick Asley,Zain,Jay and Martin:p:)

Sry,i dont like pc game players :D.
lol sorry got confused :p hey scotty n hara long time no see lads scotty what u play i never see u ;\  ps finally got crown in lite :D hehe

peace 350
Since i started in 2005 ,The best are in no order :
domi :@
Ronnie o kiev
Zain grrr
And Me
 Damien :)
who are you 350 lol :p i play in pro on Mr Vanian 
>Sry,i dont like pc game players

Lol I use PC game a lot of the time but you mentioned me :p
lol scotty :p its scott ;\ aka mastermind :D
I thought The Omen was scott aka mastermind ;\
cheers for the nomination but there are many above me but thnx all the same
and to be honest i cant think of anyone as consistent or such fluent at skill as the legend of ronnie o kiev and doubt anyone will change my mind.

im still kicking round im luki if i get 6 games a month but im sure ill be back soon 
maybe you didn't see chauncey billups recently, 74-4 stats probs a bit more fluent than Ronnie and even Notivago.
Chauncey is a lot more class, a lot more fluent and it is undeniable by his stats and how often he can do it.
legends are damien,scott,jay,real man scott, an SRV:)

  im back 3 days ago " on 18th july 2007 " after 3 years of inactivity and at this time i loved Nish the rocket demoliton the crown Mr vanian and player who had an account like " scotty " or smthg and at the moment theses players : black killer Sith-Lord arent so bad ...  
To be honest, everyone's got their own set of players who you can class true legends of fod. This is a cool post ThePinballWizard and your comments. For me personally, players with just outright consistancy and skillful play would be Martin Duffy, Fret and Ronnie. You could add a few other players to that list quite easily. Other good players would be Cheesey, Mickranger, Mr Vanian, Squirelli...these are the guys who I can easliy remember to add to this post. I know there are many more I could add. I won't bother mentioning my name in this list as I have seen a few negative replies against me so I won't bother ok lol. Anyways, there's more to Pro Snooker than just the game...how about personality and bringing enjoyment, there really aren't enough characters left in this game anymore. Back in its "heyday" the lobby and chat was actually used for interesting and engaging conversations in addition to playing a few frames. Unfortunately, this is hardly the case these days and it's why a lot of the "legends" have left. I myself have only returned back to fod after quite a while because at the end of the day, you can't fault the actual game, it's great to play and the best snooker sim out there. In conclusion, there are great players and true legends, but to be remembered at all is an achievement. Just like in the professional game, this site does still need characters...so the "old gang" can hopefully make the lobby a more favourable place to be again.

I find it literally unbelievable that Ive not had so much as one mention.

Did I not bring laughter to the masses??

Was it not me who revolutionized the definition of the word "comedy"??

Was it not me who kept many players amused for hours with my witty anecdotes and tales, which admittedly dragged on a bit and led to most people leaving my game, boosting my rating but diminishing my credibility.

Was my legacy for nothing!!!???

Some feedback please 

lol dave, and yes ur a funny guy

u happy now uve got feedback:p
The Best Players of FOD was 

3.Willi Thorne
5.Stinky Fingers

The End 
In my original post I did say I probably forgot to mention a few other important players/ppl. DAVE! you were one of them, sos bud. You definitely brought a new level of humour and innovative thoughts to Fod, especially in this forum! I haven't forgotten our comical exchanges here in the good old days. Those days were just a laff mate! Good thing your still here mate and I've just returned after quite a while, maybe we can pick up some old habits and insert some life back into this Forum! Wot d'ya say mate....
does anyone remember superkid316 or something like that?
i think he used to be very good

i really got to come back to this thing ??????

[Edited by: StreamLine on 25-Jul-2007 13:32]
well i dont class myself as a legend but ty for the mention ... the way i see it is that there are 4 types of players on here ... 1,you have the really serious players who only want the points . 2,you have the players who just play for fun (some of these can be very good on their day) . 3,the cheats ... players who eploit loopholes in the game just to win and finally 4, the abusers ... these are just a waste of time and should'nt be here ... i class myself in the 2nd catagory and try to inject humour into the game as well ,as i know a fair few others do as well ,such as cheesey , legendary cue , outta control , davemeister , steveo , detroit redwings etc and ofcourse not forgetting the infamous jaswild ... ppl like these would get my vote and i probably have missed alot , if i have sry to those , but at the end of the day its a game , its a laugh , it can be competitive and very enjoyable , lets all keep it that way and those who do you are the true legends of fod because you make fod what it is .


I still remember all the guys from the good old days, the good guys, the bad guys, but nonetheless all fantastic snooker players. I'm not going to list all the players I think are best, but the players who have contributed the most, and who will be most memorable to me.

Mark J Williams,
Mr Vanian,
Snookerfighter (I believe that was his name)
[name removed]

All these guys have merits of their own, Mark J, imtogood, squirelli, all fantastic players to play, you know yo ucould always have a laugh and know the competitiveness will only go so far.

[name removed] and Enigma... great players from what I remember.

Ha, Snookerfighter, one of the rooms most hated people... was never sure why... heh, and last but deifnately not least, Novice, possibly the most arrogant player FoD has ever seen, but at least he could back up his talk with good solid play!

Take care folks,

₪ ЯắPŦǑR ₪

[Edited by: RalphTheDog on Aug 1, 2007 2:53 PM]
think novice and snookerfighter were the same person, mite answer ur question as to why SF was most hated lol
my list of old school players in no order...


I know theres more just cant think of em now.... Ill post again when i remember
wow long time no see peachy :p how ya doin? :D
> the way i see it is that there are 4 types of players on here ... 1,you have the really serious players who only want the points . 2,you have the players who just play for fun (some of these can be very good on their day) 

The true good players don't play only for points, they play for fun but are of a high standard so they always appear high. Most the players who only play for points are crap and cheat themselves.
Hey Scotty long time ya... doing good...and ur self good looking ;)  Wow hardly ever see anyone from the old days in here. Good to see a familiar face... we should play a game some time soon. take care hun.
Oh just remembered some.....

Haze - Not sure if peeps remember him but he used to always be in the snooker room....good good guy n player.


Goldenleaf (at times)


Dearrrr me, at least expected a mention

I've been forgotten :( haha

I'm not claiming to be a legend, but if we're talking in terms of 8-ball I was definately up there

now this was a real fun forum talk .

i agree with a lot said but i have too add a couple of unforgettable players.

Bikerlee or the Gent was one(   some other nics to wich i wont blow lol)
He had the style and he blocked a lot of wannabees a long time,he even took crown in snokker when ha said he shuld!
And i will always remember a Sixers on top,he is SOOO amusing and talented(I think u8 mixed up some of his other 300 nics upp there!)

Thank you Bollen, good to know not everyone has forgotten me. Maybe they should make a room for names older then 4 years. would be interesting to see who is still out there.
Old Skool top players:

Mark J Williams
Neo Postpool
golden child


top 5 players on fod in order:

1. jay aka big boi tank
2. ronnie o keive 
3. -iguana-
4.SSJ (really gd at lite)
5.coca-cola (class)
Not that i think i need to be mentioned but im back anyway been a very long time :D:D years in fact :( few names i stumbled about with 
 and this one ofcoarse was first from back in the rackum league days long ago anyway cheers and hi to all:D:D:D:D 
Poor stoney not worth a mention at all :(
You deserve to be in anyone's list stoney, id like to see you turn over Pro though :p
wheyyy :D its me ric :) old player, i think i will be back now :D ~COMEBACK~ :):)

i was not mentioned im offended lol 
thats coz u were never that good lee...lol

Mark J Williams
Ron (jj madrid)
Jimmy White
Billy :p

cant think of anymore.. all class :)

My favourite player always been Sven with all his nicks

[Edited by: chillo1983 on Jun 14, 2008 5:52 PM]
Pfff, i still should be mentioned more

My supremity has run through the veins of flyordie for years i tell thee

My top 10 list of FOD legends.

1st: BladeFocus ( slow but he very rarely missed a ball)

2nd: Squirelli ( nowadays not as good as he was due to  much work but amazing player, great break builder)

3rd: Blacky (this french player is good, great potter)

4th: Mark J Williams ( probably he would be the greatest player of all time but much work)

5th: Domi ( one of the best nowadays in billiards but a hard attitude)

6th: Mr Vanian ( very very good player, great break builder)

7th: Enigma ( been around so long time now, a great player when he wants to)

8th Sven (you wont snook this guy twice do you... hard attitude but good player)

9th Ronnie O Kiev UA ( without doubt a class player)

10th: $SNOOKS$ (very good player but not the best of mans) 

Thats my list

My top 10 list of FOD legends 
Part 1

1st: BladeFocus (slow but hes truly the greatest player ive ever seen)

2nd: Squirelli (nowadays not as good as he was due to an lot of work but great potter enyoy to watch)

3rd: Blacky ( french player with superb skills one of the best)

with your top 3 i agree elvis :)
maybe thats because you use copy+paste too often?:)
ummm i could beat over half these players mentioned here was playing game  wen most were in diapers  alot that were mention cheat :)
^^^Yea and your also Well hard!. lol...
What bout me :( 

round all the blacks hav had mentions but not me
and im black within 80 games:(

Hope someone Chooses me:D

Outstanding Shot
Why is it that everytime one of these topics come up somebody seemes to think they're a class act who can get to a black in so many games. NEW FLASH you ain't. 

Will u cnt rely say that aint class/very gd...

Outstanding Shot 
and only cuz i had a crap game against u whizz dnt mean i aint very gd...
i agree with whizz
tom ur not gd, sry 2 say, but u aint, ur nothin more than average ok m8, dnt get urself down tho, ur stil ok, just nowt worth talkin bout

i even no u... 

if do other niks... :S
wooooooooooooooow jas and dave back UNBELIEVABLE !!!!! i might make an appearance myself and help you guys bring this site back to LIFE !!!! 
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW jas and dave back ... sounds like a group i used to know lmao ... hey guys nice to see you both and i just might make an appearance myself and help you bring this site back to life !!!!
hi biker long time no see  hi peachy  come play once in a while guys  :)
^^^not the real golden leaf. :|
why does everyone just mention people from 8 or snooker, there are some amazing players in 9 ball too you know, yeah sometimes there is luck but still there is some amazing players, such as sam,mauricio,ben aka bandit ben,martin domi jay,halli,and i class myself as a legend even if no one else does, 

Liam Hartley :)
These topics just become quite comedic once you actually realise there IS actually an outside world. :)

BUT Liam well said and I agree and there are loads of decent 9-ball players and I'd class you as one of the best but everyone else seems to think it's "just a lucky game." Yeah, okay. ;\

PS Cheers for the mention I'm so proud! :p
Sry now i must say really no men is good 
i know only one of the best 
he ist BladeFocus he is in my eyes the best player in snooker
class on pos and pot all other not good in pos 
and im not perfect in pos but i try it 
to play top my teacher was 

BladeFocus . Best for ever , respect for this player 

ty liam, i know when i want to be class, im , but atm i cant `play on web, so ppl u thinm im crap, i dunno what mans service temporaily unabelivle, so gl all and ty for everything.

>Not I Vago - Class when he trys

>Stun Run - Was best player before he quit. Could run any game any table with ease

>The Real Man - Cant beat him if he tryed.

Top 3 non ordered.

Notivago was...ok at best, real man wasn't so bad, stun run was quite good. 

None of them are even in top 10 players of all time though, only stun comes close, rest are like top 100. 
the bests of the bests
kings of the kings and true living legends 
in no order as for they are all unique

sticky fingaz
s h a r k y 1
.....X..... :D
The Real Man
Does anybody remember Top Dog? He was like one of the very first good players on here.
I think I have seen him. When last time he was here?
course scotty he was good. nowhere near Mark J Williams and Neo Postpools class tho :p
Oh come on, neo wasn't 
 good, although he was pretty sick.
I heard that Don / Super Polack was pretty amazing and the best there ever was... ;\
Boomer...stickyfingaz...masterman...rocket...MOB GHOST..Jamie BI$PON...subzero...stezz...tazz...Jimmy White....Mr. Skunk....and lastly SAMURAI (scotty? i dont know who samurai is)
^^ some good one's there ;) im not SAMARAI that was Max, best player to grace us for me :p

Surely Zeolo is not Polack? :-O
Is it that hard to believe that someone else shares that opinion Scotty. But yes, I am Polack. :) Hola.
Alrighty, why dont you use the super intelligence you used to have to help us out in offtopic? :D

Lee still roaming about a little in snooker mate, Pot's gone, Rank's gone...:|newkie's still here tho so were ok :p
Mahaha. I got a mention from Prism. And backing from Scotty ;)!

The main reason I'm posting though is for the guy who thought Top Dog wasn't anywhere near Mark J's and Neo's class. Of course he was. He's in my top 5 best players I've played against, without a doubt.

I remember guys like Max, Sharky + Mr sKuNk. Legends.. :p
Yea i agree Euan, he obviously didnt see Top Dog play, when i was going through the ranks here he was the one everybody looked at at the time, apart from Snooker that is, i didnt play much Snooker back then so i didnt know the likes of Eggtre i think it is.

People who remember him will know he deserves a mention, i remember Mark J and Neo they were both class especially Mark J, this topic is about naming the best that's come here, not just one person in particular.
Spence loves me more than you.
You forgot Big Bad V :p

Admittedly i dont play much much now for a variety of reasons, but on the rare occasions i make an appearance i can still hold my own against any of the current 600+ players :D
90% of the current 600+ players are absolutely awful though, to be fair.

Although in the month or so I've actually been playing the game since making another comeback, I can't even keep myself above 600, so I can't really talk :|
-Me when I`ve got chickenpox
-Me when I was in love
-Me when I was on duty
-Me all time

I hope after few years i will be mentioned in this topic too
Aww my post didn't get through. 

I used stars for the swear word though, although I guess everyone could tell what that word was considereing I was describing the standard of 600+ players. 
Ahhhh moderators see all :p we have a sort of X-ray vision where we can see what the stars say..so i guess that saying is a true one.."It's written in the Stars" ;)

I bow down to your superior interlect steamlime! To be fair you have beat me more than Veriac has!! + any of these random 600+s he goes on about :p.

I'm sure hes just jealous of you, who can blame him :D

(I'm hara-kiri if you didn't know, which you should, I'm pretty sure you proposed to me once? :p)
My.mother, if you keep playing like you did against me yesterday im sure you'll be getting mentions soon enough m8 :p
hope in a few yrs i may be graced as a legend,
cos i am pretty quality now?
Nice to see you have placed all your hopes and aspirations on a valuable cause then.
well there was 1 player that was number 1for sure in snooker, that was Max. On 2nd spot I think matt is 2nd clossely followed by alot of players like mr skunk, mark j, top dog, spence, ... aloot great players

I just came back like 1 week ago and my form is pretty eeeh :) hope it goes better soon 

Ron that u? if it is dammmmmm its been too long bro hows it going :p

compared to the legends of 2001-2002 i cant say 2days so called legends are gr8 theres 2 much crying ova a game.. bak then u lost u played more and went back and won no owned or so on..i kno im gonna upset sum but i say how i see it..
yea billy its me :p how things going ? I try to play some 8ball nowadays, bad at it so yea :p?
Thanks to PeachySweet and Danity Kane for my mentions. Been so long since i've been here.
Thought your name got banned ages ago boobs :p
haha it was banned but PeachySweet led a little crusade and got me unbanned.
i just got back couple weeks ago hope to get my ol form back was good in my day  i think anyways lol :s