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NP --- NW --- RACE!!!!!
NP --- NW --- RACE!!!!!
NP --- NW --- RACE!!!!!
The target at np is a little over 110k, the target at nw is a little over 84k... I think its time for a race!

There are no rules, work on either square though it may be more fun if we divide into teams.

Go NP!!!
Go NW!!!
I am heading up the NW squad.  I can offer 400 splat daily.  Who will match me?

I did a little work at np... the result as of this writing:
An army of 109461 monsters is awaiting you towards south.
Down to 83,000 on NW square.

Not much action up there by anyone else.  Can a brother get some love?!?

212 for tonight.  Didn't want you to be lonely Jag!
Trand and Icestorm had a race.... through half of each of their respective levels...

We splatted and splatted and splatted....

Right down to the wire it was! :) ... and splatted...

Icestorm is lvl 48, Trand is lvl 53.

The count:  102667! :)

Lets clear this thing out!!
and he wasnt kidding...i was 500k away from lvl when he Beat me:D it was so fun!

cant decide where i want to splat so i'm doing both lol...but over 1k altogether today 
JakeOne: 301 splat on the NW Square.
JackO'Neil: 201 splat on the NW Square

Audie Murphy turns in another 103 monster ears taken at the NW Square.

An army of 119345 monsters is awaiting you towards west.
An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

An army of 119016 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

Thats north west
What happened?

Did Jag's sad plea get everyone over to NW? Now NP is empty...where is the love?
This was needed.  The NW square has been standing for 3 blocks at NP.  Please keep up the good work.

FYI...79,500 as Enchanter does his part today.

Thanks gang!
Not to worry T...

Scratch another 725 @ N Port for Phoenix (not bad for one trip)


Scratch 1183 for Meph  :D

(would've gone more but leveled to 63 and need to work on new armor and weapons)

An army of 97212 monsters is awaiting you towards south

It under 97k now anyway :)
An army of 89999 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

Your enemy falls on its face! You've defeated it!
You've eliminated 
25550[b/] monsters already!
522951 experience points earned for the victory.

 For Enchanter
 For Jag1
 For Verbose

That is 
 for one day. Woo Hoo
Jag, I can't match your effort, but I arrived on the shore with 83,000 left and now there are less than 82,700. :)

Another 300 and change fall to my friction heated destroyer and feelerwhip.
An army of 80000 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

Master blitz he's way through another 1,000 at NW
60000 monsters of the enemy army have yet to be defeated to conquer this area.

Closing in on 59,000 at NW.  Just need someone to get 150 more splat tonight.
Hey Jag, I got really close at NW. Icestorm finally went home after 274 nubs... some of them taken yesterday.

Then at np, I collected about 300 nubs. Okay its hard to call it a race if we fight in both places... still!
You cannot play with this character more today, because you've run out of clicks!

500 clipped from NW
1100 at the north port today, and Callum passed the 40k conquests mark along the way.

An army of 53989 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

a quick update:
An army of 46353 monsters is awaiting you towards north. (at NW)
An army of 52307 monsters is awaiting you towards south. (at NP)
NW under 46K-- An army of 45980 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

200 splats
An army of 52000 monsters is awaiting you towards south.
735 at the north port today.  

An army of 
 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

Wow, both spots are zooming...
An army of 35753 monsters is awaiting you towards north.(NW)
An army of 45880 monsters is awaiting you towards south.(NP)

though NW seems to be going faster than NP...
Count 100 down for Wizard. Minimum clicks.
as an (approx) update:

nw is at 33900
np is at 45500

compared to telegate block at 32000
won't be long now til we pass it :)


NW is now at 33,000

Teleport gate is at 32,000

Lets get this done today!
another update:

telegate: 30818
nw: 32203
np: 42788

let's see if we can put that nw square under 30k today, before the telegate square gets there!

since when did people decide it was ok to splat above the telegate?
not many of us think it is (i am not splatting there).  but there are a few who continue to splat there.  we're trying to get our square(s) below theirs.
teleport gate 30532

NW 30531!!!
Telegate is not a target square for us.  But some people have decided that, since it is the closest one to being completed that they would splat there anyway.

Now that NW is the closest to being completed hopefully they will move uf there and give the nail square a few more weeks of being available.

At north port:

An army of 117171 monsters is awaiting you towards east.
An army of 30000 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

That southern army is going down!!
An army of 24593 monsters is awaiting you towards south. (NP)
An army of 24593 monsters is awaiting you towards north. (NW)

North port has caught up! Time for me to splat at NW now...
Pelopidas had over 4000 clicks, now ooc.... and the result....

An army of 20701 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

(just needed 2 more clicks!)
Artemis leveled, then Ice went to work.... and a lot of others came up as well!

An army of 15000 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

You proceed...
From one of the dark palaces you hear a painful scream. You can't decide whether it's contemporary music or unequal struggle, but you don't like it.
Your miracle satchel takes effect!
You've regenerated some hitpoints!
An army of 120000 monsters is awaiting you towards west.
An army of 120000 monsters is awaiting you towards east.
An army of 120000 monsters is awaiting you towards south.

np block has been cleared!  i'm moving east from here, towards the teleport gate.  i understand that many who have been fighting the np block with go to nw square now and help clear that one... which is great.  i hope you all come back and join me on this 240000 monster quest to open up the other teleport gate as soon as possible.

Jason - we have little over 10k to go on NW and me, at least would appreciate if you helped until that small amount was finished. After that, I'd be happy to help you on NE!
unfortunately, all my TA fighters just spent their time fighting earlier this week (they do mass amounts, but only once every week or two, as they also mostly hunt their own ingredients on larki).  mostly, they were helping clear the former np block.  so now they're on the part of my cycle where they're all on larki.  and by the time they're ready for TA again, nw will be clear.  hope to see you up here in the northern city with me when i get up there :)
Ah, I see what your point is. I'm going to try to get as many people as I can up at the np instead of the next nw square, since once we get the teleport gate up we can move freely between the two areas and hopefully not have to worry about Sandy's 'Desperate Measures'.
An army of 11999 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
An army of 7000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.

Now i know i said i would fight here to help the cause... but if no one else is gonna splat here there im gonna go back to my other square...

Pyratic - I'd be happy to help you, but by the time you come on all my clicks are gone. Please keep working on it. :(