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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators
What do you do when someone steals your password? Please people tell me because someone found out my password to one of my subcriber nicks and I cant get it back. I tierd going to my email to check the password reminder but nothing came :'(:(:'( Please someone that knows what they are talking about answer my question
check your junkmail folder? thats where mine went
Kind of hard to deal with someone that steals your password, mainly because once they have that then they can change the e-mail address that the password reminder is sent too.  You can try and check your junkmail but chances are the person already changed the e-mail account.
If the name is a subbed name you should be able to send a copy of your ref number + details from your order in to FOD to prove that you are the real holder of the account then ask for help in getting your account back. I'm not saying this is what you have done but the best thing is not to let anyone know your password in the first place, and never share an account with anyone else.
Good luck at getting your account back.
cream rose
Email address cannot be changed even if someone knows your password.

Then why did I not get a email back? and cream rose how do you get that stuff?
Then why did I not get a email back? and cream rose how do you get that stuff?
When sending a query in about a subbed account it helps if you can send the invoice number from your transaction form. I'm not saying that sending an email in will get your account back but it is worth a try. 
Maybe OP or one of the mods could tell you more about situataions like yours and what to do. 
I know some people who have lent their names or told their passwords to others then moan about how they have had their account stolen, these people only have them self to blame.
Good luck with sorting out the problem.
Cream rose
OP what if you were going to change someone's password I think I know a way. At the subcribing screen where it says the email that you got the accout registered what if someone was to change that then subcribe again. Wouldn't that work?
Hey .ICE. only a question. U have see ur info in Pente? :P