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Server problems
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Server problems
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Server problems
I am having variable success with accessing the server on entry into SNOOKER. Only 30-40% of the time I get access and occasionally I get ejected mid-game obviously losing points and status. As a subscriber I expect better service from you the game promoter as you are taking my money off me. If it is an issue with the volume of players at certain times , wouldnt it be fairer to ensure that paying subscribers ALWAYS get access on the server and not get any interuption in contact with the server. I frequently here comments about the server status. THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!!!
Yours sincerely,

Richard Nye.
Too be quite honest with you, there is no definate answer between who's D/C'ing who here, because as it goes you could quite possibly be getting disconnected for your ISP...there is also the possibility of several factors that go from your PC to your ISP, I would check that out first...and then maybe email support@flyordie.com so the can tell you to check your firewall or router or something else that you probably already checked...see where this is going?