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Perverted advert
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Dear Moderators
Perverted advert
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Dear Moderators
Perverted advert
You guys moderate this site for a reason, to keep the site a nice place to have a game of pool, there are words we arnt allowed to use like 
 but its okay to have to watch a skank rubbing herself while the game loads? My 6 yr old was watching tv behind me when music blasted out of my speakers and this friggin skank was dancin on my puter. 
and that word blanked out is 
I guess if you have a complaint try emailing


If the advert is over the top or "perverted" (I havn't a clue as i havn't seen it) then it may be removed :)
To be quite honest...I've seen these addy's getting out of hand of late, they seem to be mainly directed to an adult audience.  Unless of course flyordie.com uses cookie trackers, to essentially follow our web use and add the necassary advert in for the person.
thats a good idea, they obviously dont have that cookie thing atm coz my puter has never had the p0rn experience :D 
Skany adverts? It's a shame all my adverts are munched then :p!

Oh, how I wish there was an edit button.
>Oh, how I wish there was an edit button.

Hey!!! There's a queue :p
I'm sure this thing has been covered before.

I think it went along the lines of >>> right click offending advert,go to properties,copy url of advert,and send to  support@flyordie.com ,telling them of the problem.

Mods cant do anything about ads.
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You dont need an edit button,before you click on "post message" click on the box beside it 
. Edit it before you post it.Simple.

Still, it's happened many times when I have seen a mistake 5 minutes later even if i have checked it originally :p
Get a grown up to check it.

>You dont need an edit button,before you click on "post message" click on the box beside it "PREVIEW". Edit it before you post it.Simple.

No. I will proof read after I post it. Anyway, one of the main reasons that an Edit button would be useful is for adding things to your post. On many other forums, double posting is forbidden.
If there are specific adverts that interfere with the gameplay in such a way that it is imopssible to play the game, you should take a screenshot of it, and make a note of the 
 shown in the bottom bar of the Explorer window (this is the advert url, and NOT flyordie's url)

Once you have that information you should send it to support@flyordie.com with a suitable subject title. 

Please note that without the url of the of the offending advert it is very unlikely any action can be taken.
LOL so now FOD wants us to police ads for their site. How pathetic, seriously folks the ads don't bother me, but I do have 2 kids the youngest of wich is only 7. Anyways they don't play nonsubbed nicks because of the lag but now I find out FOD expects parents who do let their kids play nonsubbed nicks to go and do a screenshot of offensive ads. It realy 
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that they expect someone to police ads on a site that they OWN. This used to be a decent gaming site, but in the last year it has realy gone downhill fast. So when my subs run out I'm outta here and so are my kids. I guess what it comes down to is that FOD must make more money on skanky ads than paying customers. Maybe OP can take a few seconds of his time and reply to this topic.

[Edited by: Veriac on 05-Jan-2007 03:31]
tyvm 4 ur help i will do that when it reappers.. 2 days after i made the thread it disappered.. BUT when she comes back ill url her >:) AND... you guys may have seen a similar post about this but i am on a reeel suk connection and it takes forever to browse forums so :p but ty again
>Unless of course flyordie.com uses cookie trackers, to essentially follow our web use and add the necassary advert in for the person.

Tracking cookies are illegal. I have never viewed any adult sites of that such, and still get those same ads mentioned on a few un-subbed nicks and in 8-ball, which I am not subbed to.
Tracking cookies are very legal...and you get one every time you come to a website...
I mean cookies which monitor your online activity, and send that data to a certain company, ect the meaning of spyware.
That's exactly what tracking cookies do...and they are considered adware because they are legal, but I don't believe FoD keeps track of theirs, but they do have them for being able to get on the site and have your info there (nick and password) readily available to log in.
IT all depends on if you have a cookie blocker, I.E. It pops up every time it wants to set a cookie on my computer. Constantly while playing pool i get cookie requests like "
" or something like that.
How can I get slightly MORE perverted ads to go with my pool game?  And beer.