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Moderator Please Reply
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Dear Moderators
Moderator Please Reply
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Dear Moderators
Moderator Please Reply
If i have seen nicks around of my friends that i liked and they got perm on the nick can i clone it with out it getting perm ban?

Fearful Eyes.
If a nick was perm banned I would stay clear of cloning it.

The player was trouble and thats why he got the perm ban. If you make a nick to look like it, the least little thing you do, the mods will come down on you hard. And could very well ban all your nicks you may have now.
Are you a mod?
LadyDie , Veriac , OPERATOR any help?

  ANNIHILATOR is correct in his answer.

  If you clone a nick that has been 
  perm banned prior, then you can also
  expect to have the nick banned & any
  subsequent nicks that you may have.

  Macca36 (FlyOrDie Moderation Team)
Isn't it is the rules of use about cloning? 

Plus Macca was right.

Or do u even read rules of use:|