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Team Splat - Banter/Chat
Team Splat - Banter/Chat
Team Splat - Banter/Chat
To quote our mighty organiser the TreeEvilTwigs 

Trash talking is not only allowed, but encouraged. You all know the rules...
no name calling, no profanity, no threats
, no yo momma jokes

This should be great fun, to those not fortunate enough to be in the esteemed company of Team 3 have a read of 


Let The Games Begin :D
Just remember this....When you all have to go back to work....

I'll be sitting at home with 25k clicks on MOE mwuahahaha
980 for Mephistopheles - and lotsa clicks left  :p

Oh they have begun and Imp has set the standard for ya'll to try and keep up with him......1K splats today.

