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Go Teams Go!
Go Teams Go!
Go Teams Go!
So in the spirit of clearing TA, I had a brainstom last night.

I know I splat longer and faster when I am splatting with other players.

So what about splatting in teams.  Teams could commit to a certian number of kills by a particular date. so a team of 10 could do 100 splats each per day for 10 days.  Or a team commits to have 5k splats by the end of a week.   Like building or clearing the North Port, teams could post their goals, schedules and the fullfillment of said goals on the forum.  As far as teams compositions and goals, thats up to the players.  Hopefully using the forum and chat will allow people to organize themselves and work out the legistics.

This would allow for actualizing a time table, even in the short term, for squares being cleared.

Also, like individual races, teams could race each other, with benevolent vets posting rewards.

Like many others who have posted before, I am trying to keep up the energy and interest in clearing TA, particulary key squares.  Hopefully this will be an option for those players who can not commit to individual races, but want to participate in some type of group activity.

off to go splat

I like the idea and I'm more then willing to sign up ERA for say 500 kills a week for my team.  

I'm not sure how the teams will work.  I suggest seeing how many people are interested before dividing up teams.

When we get it all figured out, I'm more then happy to contribute to the prize pot. :)

Iam willing to be on a team or help out anyway i can just let me know. Also I have 20k+ clicks on like 6 characters if that helps.
Good idea!  I also think the fighting goes better in a group effort. Probably psychological..like wanting company when splatting alone in North Port..
I have two able fighters to commit to any joint effort and will be back in chat (I hope,I hope) in 12 days. In the meantime there is always the forum for making contact.

well i think its a great idea, i have 2 fighters tht already fight on ta and i have a 3rd coming up. i also prefer fighting in groups 

So thomas suggested in chat we give this idea a test run.

So here we go

I am forming Team Test Run
Goal:2000 splats
To be completed by: Sunday the 10th, midnight EST
Where: the western most square on TA, its under 50k monsters. (i would do North port, but i know people are saving up their mds for the race)

Open to anyone who wants to come splat!

I am commiting a minimum of 200 splats to the goal.  i will be splatting tonight if anyone wants to join in at that time.

this is a test, so no rewards, other then the pride of being on the team.  And as a side note, we don't need a prize for every time we do this... prizes should just be for races or exceptional acomplishments

if u want to join in, please post to this thread with your splat commitment, and when u might be splatting so others can join u.  Also, it is okay if people commit more then then the 2k... we can adjust the goal and reevaluate things

After this, i would like to suggest that when someone wants to form a team, they start a seperate post, just for that team.  I would like to use this post for brainstorming, set up rules and procedures (well, as much as can be done when corraling cats) and general info to make team forming easy and fun.

Alright, need to go to work

oh rite we have to sign up, well i guess ill do 300 like tom 

Ok.I'll commit for 200. And then maybe more.
alright, I went for 200, but since Thom and Will were doing 300, I did 300 as well with LeTigre.

1700 to go

Succumming to peer pressure

I'll be in for 400 this weekend, anytime you want me on TA :p
Do my 300 from earlier today count?:p  If so, I'm in for 500 total.  If not, I'll say 200.

great idea, Ruppert Smee!

Due to my hectic schedule, I can not commit to specific days, times, but I will help when and where I can.

In fact, Meph is currently fighting along the North West path if anyone would care to join.

(I will understand if you don't - it can get rather messy when Meph starts hacking and slicing)

It looks like 2k was too low for you crazed TA splatters. So lets up the ante and be ambitious to say 10k by sunday, midnight EST.  I think we can do it.

Again, please post what you intend to contriubute to the effort and then repost when you have reached that number and/or surplassed it so we can keep track of the team total.

So far the test team has a total of 2k pledged kills and 600 completed.  Great start to the 10k goal for this weekend.  

Here's how it breaks down so far...

Ruppert 300 - 300 done
TeT 500- 300 done
Thom 300
Will 300
Esme 200
Gen 400
Monty ?
Beavis ?

We need more people to sign up, and please everyone post when they colplete their pledge.  A halfway post would be nice too, though not required.

We can do 10k.  We NEED to do 10k.  So let's make it happen. 

:) TeT
I have got about 100 done.... also, you can bump me up to 500 kills instead of 400.

We need this splat! Wait that didn't sound grand enough. SPLAT!! Still not enough..
That'll do :D
Current breakdown...

Ruppert 300 - 300 done
TeT 500- 300 done
Thom 300
Will 300
Esme 200
Gen 500 - 100 done
Monty ?
Beavis ? - 500 done
Lusha 200
Jkicker 200

Total pledged so far 3000
Total killed so far 1200

Looking great :D


Have done 100 already with Talitu. So now I guess I can do 300. :D
Seneca-514 kills
Zero-577 kills
Okay, my orginal pledge was 200... I just splatted my 600th monster

So as of my calculations, as of midnight, it looks like we have 2961 splats to our goal of 10k. (Beavis, i didn't included the extra 220 because i wasn't sure if that was completed splats or you uping your pledge)

Good job everyone!!!!!

We have done so much since this afternoon.

And big thanks to TeT for keeping track of everything :)

So lets keep up the good work

i'll pledge 200 by the end of sunday night.  sorry, i'll be pretty busy this weekend, so i probably can't do more.
Add 98 more, Rup..Tali evened up her conquest no. :p
Current breakdown...

Ruppert 600 - 600 done
TeT 500- 500 done
Thom 300
Will 300
Esme 300 - 198 done
Gen 500 - 100 done
Monty ? - 1091 done
Beavis ? - 720 done
Lusha 200
Jkicker 500 - 400 done
Jason 200

Total pledged...5211
Total completed...3609

This is just the information I have, so I am sure there are more completed so far.

We are doing really well so far, seeing as it's only friday.  But we need more people to participate.  If you have a character with a boat and are able to contribute even 50 kills, please pledge.  

TeT :)
Your powerful attack has scared your enemy! You've made 147 hitpoints damage with your elvensteel hammer!
Your weapon vampirizes 28 hitpoints to you!
Your enemy tries to reach you, but collapses halfway. You have defeated it!
You've eliminated   
  monsters already!
20281 experience points earned for the victory.
You've found the following items:
a magic nub
a recovery drink
You need 17 858 556 more experience points for the next level!

im carry on splatting so do i need to record how many i do then post it ?

Pledge of 300 monsters fulfilled.
UrchinMage made 128 splats. Commitment now fulfilled with 326 in total!
Have the bloodlust now :p so probably will continue off and on until the deadline. 
Report finished! 
New tally:                     (100 more kills for me)

Ruppert 600 - 600 done
TeT 500- 500 done
Thom 300
Will 300
Esme 300 - 198 done

Gen 500 - 200 done

Monty ? - 1091 done
Beavis ? - 720 done
Lusha 200
Jkicker 500 - 400 done
Jason 200

No new updates in awhile represented in BOLD. :p we need more people posting frequently
Another 1k splats for today, 1600 total since yesterday :)

Don't forget to post your splats so we can keep track of our goal of 10k by tomorrow, midnight.

Keep up the good work!

ill help :) add 100 for me :)
i currently have 5 of those :$
i found time for 100, so count me in at a pledge of 100 with 100 completed lol

Scratch out 300 and write in 420.
Montsegur2-703 kills today
Montsegur3-3075 kills
MontyMage-2140 kill

200 more tonight.
Total to date: 
just completed 223 splat, more than my pledge of 200.  not sure if i'll have time tomorrow or not, so i won't increase it any more.  but if my math is correct, with monty's *small* addition recently, that now brings us up to about 11355 splat this weekend already, and it's still early sunday morning.  can't wait to see what we finish the day with :)
okay as of 2am, est, here is how it stands from what I gathered from forum and people in chat

Anium    300 Pledge
JasonK   200
Artic    100

Please post when u guys have completed your pledges so I can move you to the next list

The first number is completed splats, the second is what the pledge was if it hasn't been fulfilled yet

Ruppert- 2100
TeT-      500
Thom-     420
Boo-      100
Will-     300  (i think u have more, but post to confirm)
Esme-     526
Gen-      200 Done, Pledge 500
Monty-   7009
Beavis-   720
Lusha-    200
JKicker-  400 Done, Pledge 500
Braves-   200
Jag-      250

Total   12925!
Awesome :D

I think we can easily hit 15k by tomorrow night.  We just got the square under 35k, so with the pace we've been splatting we might be able to get the square under 30k.

Good effort on everyone's part(and WTG Monty!)and it was good to see so many people on TA working together.

Keep on splatting and updating


Jason beat me to the post.... grrrr...

Ruppert- 2100
TeT- 500
Thom- 420
Boo- 100
Will- 300
Esme- 526
Gen- 200 Done, Pledge 500
Monty- 7009
Beavis- 720
Lusha- 200
JKicker- 400 Done, Pledge 500
Braves- 200
Jag- 250
Jason- 223

Total 13148

Must get some sleep

You have rammed your enemy into the ground with your attack! You've made 124 hitpoints damage with your elvensteel hammer!
Your weapon vampirizes 24 hitpoints to you!
Your enemy falls on its face! You've defeated it!
You've eliminated 
 monsters already!
20281 experience points earned for the victory.
You've found the following items:
a magic nub
an extra mana potion
You need 13 548 358 more experience points for the next level!

That's another 100 for me.
And on a side note:
To whoever populated waste disposal units; WHY??!!?
sign me up for 400 kills so far :D

always willin to contribute
You can add another 391 for Meph.


Will see if Kristine Kringle can get 200 done today.
Okay all, so as of noon, est, here are the totals.
I will be posting again at 6pm, est, as that will be the half way mark to the midnight cut off time.

Artic 100
Lady Die 200


Ruppert- 2100
TeT- 500
Thom- 420
Boo- 117
Will- 300
Esme- 526
Gen- 300 Done, Pledge 500
Monty- 7009
Beavis- 1111
Lusha- 200
JKicker- 400 Done, Pledge 500
Braves- 200
Jag- 250
Jason- 223
Ainuan- 306
KMS-    300
Mage Basher- 631

Total 14793

Almost to 15k!!!  And were under 33k on the square.

Again, thanks to everyone for pitching in, and thank you to the North Port splatters who came down to help meet the teams 10k goal.  I am sure that after people have recovered from this event, we'll be able to get a team to go up to the north port for a big push.

Also, to those players new to TA, even if you have a low level fighter or mage, come splat with us.  100 kills will get you a badge, and really help with the push to get the square to under 30k.

12 hours of splatting mayhem to go :D

Montymage2= 1146 kills (will kill more later)
add another 740 for montymage2
woo 272 to my total putting me on 572, keep it up guys :)
168; got sent home too many times, but I'll try to do some more later on

Ruppert- 2900
TeT- 500
Thom- 420
Boo- 117
Will- 572
Esme- 526
Gen- 300 Done, Pledge 500
Monty- 8895
Beavis- 1111
Lusha- 200
JKicker- 500
Braves- 200
Jag- 250
Jason- 223
Ainuan- 306
KMS- 300
Mage Basher- 700
Lady Die-  200
Ezekial-   168
Hobbit-  500
Artic- 17

Total 18805

Outstanding!!!!  Well done everyone :D less then 29k till we clear the square

Six hours left... 20k here we come


PS, saw some folks fighting who didn't post.  Hopefully we can get their numbers at some point.

You've eliminated 3800 monsters already!

That's 400 out of 500.

Koo Koo's clicks are well under 500 now so now we'll see what Fungus can do ]:)
It's a wonder this little snorter still stands! You've made 93 hitpoints damage with your dracosteel hammer!
Your weapon vampirizes 17 hitpoints to you!
Your enemy stares at you, and crumples to the ground defeated!

You've eliminated 100 monsters already!
A Royal Official appears, and with much ceremony informs you that your efforts will not go unrewarded. He pins a Defense Merit of Larkinor badge to your chest, then promptly disappears!

I believe that fulfills my pledge ;)
only a couple of hours until the deadline, but I will give it a go with jubal-m for at lease 100
You leave 337 magic nubs on the market waiting for customers. (Price: 1,000 silvers/pc.)

that make 537 :)
You can add another 1276 to my total!  :)

-B (phoenix)
OOPS. Just saw this post for first time. Will do at least
 250 right now

well, technically, we're past the midnight (GMT, asuming that's the timing we're using) deadline.  so how about another goal?  under 35k on the west forest square now... can we get it to 20k by friday midnight?  the last 3 days we did about 15k, we can do 15k more in the next 5 days (week days, some people have less time to click than on weekends... although some do have more :p)
When I orginialy posted I put midnight EST... so all you across the pond have a few more hours to keep clicking like fiends...

err.. maybe not hours...
I need to check my clock more often... 1 hour and 15 minutes till Midnight...

One last big push!  Go team Go!

Ok, ERA has slain 643 evil beings this weekend and is now taking a REALLY long bubble bath to scrub away all the gore.  

Carry on my soldiers, carry on
Previous total:526
talitu .......:200      

okay, team... the time has come and gone...
gonna start working on totals

Okay folks so here is the total for our team push

Hey, Rebanne and Secretary. Saw u both there but don't have numbers for you yet so post when you can so we can add you to the team total.


Ruppert- 3510
TeT- 643
Thom- 1141
Boo- 600
Will- 572
Esme- 792
Gen- 500
Monty- 9395
Beavis- 2387
Lusha- 227
JKicker- 500
Braves- 537
Jag- 250
Jason- 223
Ainuan- 306
KMS- 550
Mage Basher- 700
Lady Die- 201
Ezekial- 410
Hobbit- 732
Artic- 17
Sandy- 400
Adedeb- 410
j.l74- 33

Total 25000!!!!!  okay it was 24977, but thom did 23 xtra so we'd have a nice round number :D  the square was at around 48k when we started and down to 23962 at midnight.

Outstanding... good job everyone. Thank you to Tet and Thom for encouraging me to post this idea. Big thank you to for Monty for his large contribution. And another big thank you to everyone who went above and beyond their pledge.  If there was an emote for a round of applause i would put it here.

So with out sounding cheesy i want to thank you all for your effort on such short notice.  This could have easily become a posting lost into the history of forum.  But when i look down the list and see how many people stepped up and contributed, i know that i am in good company.

We have alot to be proud of, this was a tremendous push and it think shows that when we organise and set goals we can achieve them.  I hope that we continue to work as a team and support each other as we clear TA.  I know by turning splatting into a group activity, we can keep our spirits up.

I have thought of a few ways to better organise the next team splat, including posting a warning before it happens, recording the squares starting monster count, and dedicating 1 or 2 people to act as team organizers. Please post your ideas as to how we can make team splatting better for everyone.

Alright, again good work everyone.  Now i can go home and die.... where did i put that lily?


okay it was pointed out that the square started out between 49-50k monsters, not 48k.

I say we just go ahead and finish this thing.... 300 more splated for me.
22k left... i agree thomas.  how about clearing them by saturday at midnight?  and as a half-way point... down to 10k by thursday midnight?
time to put in pledges for the first half.  i'll do 500 by the end of thursday.
130 splat...should get more by the end of the day.
We've got a good thing going so lets keep it up!

Start posting your pledges folks.

For this time around, only post your total when u have completed and/or surpassed your pledge.  Also, when posting, please clarify if the number your are posting as an add or a new total. That will help alot when figuring out the teams tally.  We can definanetly reach the goals jason suggested, and this will give those people who missed this weekends team splat a chance to join in.

I will be starting a new tally starting from 12:01AM EST Monday till we complete the square.

Good luck everyone!

i pledge 600
i also pledge i wont steal from those fighting on this square :)
another 379 gor me

379 + 572 = 951 :)
Just to clarify, we are starting a new tally for the last big push, so please don't include your totals from this weekend in your new totals.  From last night till we clear, it is a whole new team tally.  When we clear the square i will add both together, but i want to make sure that the splatting that is done this week is acknowledged with its own count.

Keep up with the splatting


Okay new Totals list

Jason- 500
TheLorax00- 300
Secretary- 500
Braves- 600
Ruppert- 500


Thom- 300
Monty- 1560, 6000 P
AA- 130, 500 P
Will- 379

Total 2369 complete

Great start for Team Splatsalot.  I bet we get this square under 20k by tonight!


You leave 150 magic nubs on the market waiting for customers

   350 more to go and the night is still young....

You leave 100 magic nubs on the market waiting for customers

    thats a total of 250...half way

I pledge to a minimum of 500 splats...as soon as I can get ERA out of that bubble bath.

TeT :p
Bring my total up by 50 to 350

Like last time I'll pledge minimum but try to at least double it.
So I'm in for 

100 done!
700 for my days work

I'll be redoing the team tally tomorrow so keepen on splatting and posting.

Pledge of 200 fulfilled

300 here I come :-)
I'll pledge 250.  131 complete
Well i havent been keeping up with much in larki as ive been extremely busy irl but id like to pledge 100 (more as i meet my pledge) on the North Port of TA.  Currently 37/100 done.  Im on my digger and i figure its the safest place to fight with a digger.  Not to mention i cant seem to keep my clicks under 20k per char so i might as well do something good for the cause.  Happy Holidays all and ill post my completion.

Pyratic (Ali877)
currently this team (and these pledges) are for the west forest square pyra.  we're using team efforts to clear it faster.  i think it's great that you're up at north port fighting... maybe after we clear this square, we can set a team goal at north port?  of course, there's also the 10-mil-silver north-port-race going on next week ;)  so we'll see how that goes.
Totals af of 1230 PM EST


Jason- 500
TheLorax00- 300
Braves- 600
Ezekial- 400
TeT- 500


Thom- 635
Monty- 1560, 6000 P
AA- 130, 500 P
Will- 379
Ruppert- 700
Smurf- 17
Jag- 300
Secretary- 250, 500 P
Hobbit- 500, 600 P
Esme- 100, 300P
Sir Michael III- 200
Ainuan- 131, 250 P
Artic- 28

Total 4930 complete, and the square was at 15595 when I started this post.  I think 10k is definaetly doable by tonight.  At this rate we will have the square cleared by the end of thursday.  I know we've been keeping a furious pace, but we are so close to clearing this square.  Every extra splat you can do will push the team total up and the square down.

So lets go Team Splat! :D


PS, just looking at the numbers I know that we are definatly missing peoples splat totals.  I know at the end of the day, the square number is really the proof of our work.  But posting peoples individual totals gives us a chance to acknowledge each persons hard work and see how many people have been spalting as part of a team effort.  So Keep those pledges and tallies rolling in :)

Reached splat no 300 :-)

Have to get new equipment:
You feel more powerful! You've reached level 34!

completed=333 (so far)
add 253 to my tally.  this gives me 503 and fulfills my pledge.  I will keep up the slugfest and hope the square will be open by this weekend.

200 more splat  got my pledge +100:)
  couldnt make it back yesterday:(
Yall should have it cleared before I get home from work ,cya @ n port:D
250 of my 500-pledge, now fulfilled.  hopefully the square's not clear before my exam is done, so i can fill the rest of it after the exam.
265 - More later if square not cleared.
Previous Total=333
New splats....=125
Just managed another 240, bringing my total to 650.
On a side note the square is under 5900 now.
filled my pledge, then a few monsters later "You feel more powerful! You've reached level 45!" :D
so put me up to a total of 513 killed.  time to go upgrade.
square's down to about 5300 now.  keep at it everyone.  it'll be finished either tonight or tomorrow... depending on how many people get clicking.
Reached splat no. 400 :-)

You've eliminated 2500 monsters already!
The Royal Official shows up again and congratulates you for your additional efforts. He removes your old badge and replaces it with new Platinum Defense Merit of Larkinor badge, then disappears.

Das Eichhörnchen

Square is now under 4850! Getting cleared soon :-) !!!
Reached splat no. 500 

Square is now under 4400 ! :-) !!!
Ran out of clicks 3 critters before my pledge ran out, but brought the baby up to finish.

Pledge of 500 fulfilled :)

410 complete on my 250 pledge.  3343 remain.
add another 100 to my tally.

  total now of 603
100 more by me putting me on 479
another 50 and i'm out of clicks with this char.
   total of 653.

  I'll be back

Ok so finally after two long days of like 200 clicks a day i met my pledge of 100 on TA's north port.  I will pledge another 500 kills there tho i cant garuntee it will be anytime soon with work and whatnot :(

Pyratic (ali877)
67 more today for me... total is up to 580 for me in the last 3 days :)
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