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Mod Mail
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Dear Moderators
Mod Mail
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Dear Moderators
Mod Mail
How come everytime I send ss's to mod mail, moderator@flyordie.com - they do not return to me, yet nothing EVER happens. Mods always say they cant find it, even when I title it and tell them the title!

Why can't they ever find this?

Anyone else having this problem?

C'mon mods, sort this out.
The answer is NO we do not reply to all mail in mod box.  

We receive an excessive amount of mail every day, and we spend our time correcting the problems than to
individually answer each. 

But should the need arise to comment or get further information we will correspond with
player via email.
your the lucky one then,ive sent 5 emails and never got a single reply
Why do u feel you need to have a response.....the mods are people too they arent a computer that can spit u out an auto thankyou response. Give em a break from time to time...if you dont see an action taken maybe its because what u interpretted to be bad wasnt that bad at all it only. If ya cant take a lil constructive criticism from time to time then u shouldnt be online.
Dont get me Wrong i know how BUSY the mods are,thats why i applied to be one,
but when you pay for a service it would mean alot if you got a response at least saying someone is looking into it or something,
so far ive been playing tanx since August but because of the cheating(if im allowed to say that)thats going on i am ready to quit already,at this point in time you dont want to leave the game you love playing but when you work hard to get the rating points only for some cheat to come in and nick them all within 10 mins is a joke

I was trying to make the point that went sent in numerous amount of screenshots, nothing is EVER done about it.

I even wait in lobby, tell three mods the title, the nature of it, and yet they still can never find it. A week later it still has not appeared.

Whether MODs volunteer or not, the majority of the people who get no reply, happened to be subscribers, which should be getting atleast a clear indication that their screenshot has been seen, and attended to.

Sort it out MODs.

i sent an e-mail to mods about my disconnection problems, and they responded.  it's all better now thanks! :)
You sent moderators a question relating to technical issues and received a reply!!?... wow your damn lucky lol