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this server is abosuletly crap.i play about 3 shots n then it goes rly rly slow and i have to close it and of course lose points.it happens every single time i log in and its nuthin to do with my internet connection which is perfectly ok and fast. simply the servers fault .fix it.
Its the ads they put on, they are trying to force you to sub :D
same deer my server is crap my internet is ok and i restet my pc if that would help but didnt im getting really annoyed now like just fix it ffs it cant be that hard.:@
Not necassarily your internet connection, could be several things on your side...check for virus's, spyware, and adware...could be a cable that isn't connected properly or a firewall/router that isn't updated...if it goes really slow i'm leaning more towards spyware/adware, because if it was FoD's server everyone would experience the same speed of play.  Make sure your computer is completly up to date on all the updates...and if all else fails email support@flyordie.com, but don't expect a response ;)
I've had problems too for the last 48HRS it's beyond a joke impossible to play as the game keeps freezing and it's nothing to do with cookies or tempory internet files,I think it's just FOD's way of trying to get you to sub but there's no chance of that happening on my behalf  :p
yes sometimes it disconnects how can i make it NEVER do thatX-(???¿¿¿