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Loosing Connection...
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Loosing Connection...
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Loosing Connection...
Hi, on 3D Billiards and Tanx (only two I play) I lose connection very often.  Thus, I cannot get through one game of 3D Billiards nor match in Tanx.  Could someone help?  Thank you!  Oh and this happens on both PC Version and WebBrowser.
If you have antivirus, check for virus's...and then check for spyware/adware with adaware at www.lavasoft.de or www.lavasoftusa.com you might even want to try spybot at www.spybot.info hopefully your problem can be fixed
I see a lot of players having this problem.  Just out of curiousity, couple of questions....

What type connection ?  Most I have seen are having problems while on high speed (cable or DSL)  not so much with dial up.

Which version of Windows ?  Updates Done ?

Internet Explorer version ?  IE 7 ????

Version of Java ???   5 update 7 ???

Just trying to come up with a commonality to try to narrow down the root cause.

Hey topstar good to see a helping hand here

Windows XP Sp 2-all live updates done up too date
Java 2 Runtime Environment 5
Internet Explorer Ver. 6
Cable Broadband connection

Thank you for any help here topman ;)
UPDATE: Now running IE 7...we'll see if this fixes my issue
IE 7 seems to give me more time however still getting disconnected occasionally
the disconnections are definatly NOT ON MY SIDE also a trace route seems to go through fine up until it hits FoD which means their server is behind a router and blocked...however my connection is not interupted at anytime when I get d/c'd as I have a ping running behind the game which shows no server request failed...which means this is centralized to FoD, at least in my case it is...this means one of two things; 1: The server maintence at FoD is not all that good; or 2: Misplaced binaries, which is another factor of bad server maintence

Now apparently you used to be able to ping flyordie.com, however it doesn't seem to allow that anymore so as far as the trace route is concerned i'm assuming it went as far to FoD and then dropped due the router...so this means I will be e-mailing support to see if this issue can be resolved or if i'm going to get a run-around
another thing to note...when I was able to ping FoD some months ago I noticed that I was getting 75% packet loss, so 3 of the 4 pings would be dropped, which if FoD is running multiple servers (which I believe they are) one possible more of them are dropping a significant amount of packets between pings
I've been on site for a funny amount of years and haven't dc once!!!!!
Only time i've dc is when i've been banned by a mod ;\
Cowen, I believe that they may be filtering IP's through their servers which means your IP gets filtered through one server while mine goes through another, which would explain the handful of people that this is affecting
sorry cant help :D
Every1 Hates Çhris
Brazil Reli Wud Kill England 7-0 
>Brazil Reli Wud Kill England 7-0

Whilst I agree that history suggests Brazil are likely to beat England, I can tell you that they are not good enough to win 7-0. At the moment the Brazil team are pretty average, so you'll find that we're evenly matched.
ok then not 7-0 but not evenly matched either...

maybe 4-1 then 
Robinho - 2 Goals
Kaka - 2 goals

Crouch - 1 goal

lennon only england playa i like :P

could we get back on topic here?

Everyone who has a d/c issue that IS NOT related to your computer, start emailing support@flyordie.com...this way if they don't already acknowledge the problem is with them they will have no choice but too ;)
My problem I found tonight lies with my router/firewall, after floating around the DMZ (De-militiraztion Zone) which essentially means without a router/firewall running I was able to hold a constant connection, I don't encourage others to do this unless you have some sort of security (Windows Firewall, etc.) but if you can give this a try and you may or may not figure out your problem.  Some of the cases i've heard about this probably will not work for, but others it may.  I'm not saying that FoD does not still have a issue with their servers as a handful of people get disconnected constantly and may not be behind such hardware/software, but if you are give this a try and see if the problem lies there
So many times people don't realise the real cause of their problems. I would suggest that people ask for help instead of whining that it's not their fault. Btw, nice one for working that out without help fear.
The bad thing about all the DC problems is that we dont see any help from FOD.  Gee makes ya say thanks for supporting the ones that pay your bills.  If it were on the individuals you'd think that they would at least reply with something similar.  But they know its on their end so they keep mouths shut.  Never admit fault !  Good company line.  CYA !   And they wont even reply to requests for support.      FLOOD THEM WITH EMAILS FOR SUPPORT !    WHEN MY SUB IS UP.... GONE !

Thanks for nothing FOD
The disconnection problem that i've seen with a handful of people can not be determined as to why they get them most if not all are not behind a firewall/router and generally on a cable connection (i'm assuming behind a software firewall) and the fault in my eye's lies within FoD still.  This doesn't mean all of the problems are FoD's fault, but indeed a response would be nice...if even for them to deny it being on their side