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New Computer
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New Computer
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New Computer
Any mods or any 1 know if i got new computer would i have new IP number? or would it show me as same person on FlyOrDie?:|
You can still log in as that name from any computer. :)
As for the ip address i have no didea for sure, but i would guess it would remain the same as your using the same connection, just changing the computer you're on ;)
what if i change the connection and fo with the wink please :)
Fo with the wink?? ...

you uncomfortable with your sexuality or something :S


if you change your connection i think the ip will change due to changing different companies, but i don't know for sure.
LOL I (Kobe) Am master of revolving IPs;\ too bad u snitched on me earlier so nope i wont tell u nothing u noob :)
What do you mean "master"? Any n00b can change their IP.
99% of the time just release your connection to the network then reconnect. Obviously not if you are on a company or school computer with a fixed IP.
And the relevance of that statement is...?
That i cant change connection..are you dumb?
Beppe goes away for a while, comes back, and gets abuse.

Quite the welcoming party ;)
>That i cant change connection..are you dumb?

I am dumb because you don't know how to release your connection? You have issues my friend.
Wow, it's not rocket science. Let me guess, you are connected by cable? Try turning off your modem, any routers and computer, then turn them on in the order above. If you are not on a router, in a command window type IPCONFIG and record your IP address before you switch it off, then again when it comes back on - will verify if you have been assigned a new address or not.
You may have a fixed IP if you use a wireless talk modem, (one where you also can connect telephone line into modem), with these you get a fixed IP to keep the same telephone number connection, I think I am right saying this. In other words check your IP before disconnecting PC, reconnect and see if it is the same. If it is the same you have fixed IP, if different you have a rolling IP.
Maybe Beppe can let me know if I have got this right or not?
I am not sure about this Cream Rose. In theory you don't need a fixed IP address for your provider to know who you are - my cable company can always tell if my modem is online irrelevant of the IP address. You'll have to speak to the company to find out the way they work. I have been offered internet based telephone services before, and they work by logging on using whatever IP you have at the time.
I am a trainee of the meister and have been assigned to tell the lot of you n00bs (including the freak Kobe) to lay off Beppe and Chris and, i quote, "get a life, preferably one that doesnt involve living on park benches and stressing over IP's"

Thankyou, the meister junior. B-)
Oh and you're not gonna shoot the messenger now are you?:|

Not that I could give a flying turd, I've been trained by the best ty np.

The meister junior B-)
JK Kobe is the best thing that ever happened to FOD.

The Meister junior  B -)
Kobe you clone me, Im flattered, although of one thing I'm sure..........when I report this back to DMEHQ (Dave Meister Enterprise Head Quarters) you will almost certainly incurr his wrath :|

Am I the only one who thinks Kobe should flee now ?:|
wow  what r these kids coming to these days  every post ive been in  no matter how basic  the topic theres kids acting stupid  lmao  amazing  as to the actuall post  u guys remmeber it was about the ip address issue ;\        most isp  have a set ip address for ur account  if ur on cable that is      ive had the same ip address for 5 years no matter how many times i turned off unhooked disassembled  blown up   fried  ect ect ... ;)   so im not sure about what beppe says is true   she may be just talkin to sound smartt but then again maybe where shes from they actually do change ip every time its shutoff  and another thing is even if u find a way to change ip   for example for like hidin from fod or to try to be untrackable  lol ur wasting ur time    there are 2 ip   external and internal   u can change 1 to be hidden but u cant change both ;) 
Most cable companies have a limited amount of IP address and do NOT assign you permanent addresses. The common mistake is to think you have one, when in actual fact a piece of hardware remains connected holding the IP address irrelevent of the state of the PC. Another misconception is that you are reading an IP from a proxy server or router, and thinking that it is your own.
lol beppe  i see u sound very smart  but hmmm not sure if u r ;)  like i said ive had the same ip for years 1 reason i no is i test my pc every day about 3 times daily to make sure its up to my standards and the website i test its alwasy read the same ip address i have proof  for the last 150 test or more i keep records  and if u ever wanna no both ur ip  and how ur pc compares and is running go to pcpitstop.com;) and if u need proof since u dont think ive had the same ip add for years just let me no ill provide ;) the external and internal ip stays same except 1 time i used ip blocker and my external ip address changed :s 
im gonna have to do some apoligizing :s   as i was sitting here thinkin on the issue i realized why mine dont change :s    cuz its a static ip  not a dynamic    :$ not sure how i forgot that since i requested it years ago lol so yes beppe is right   sometimes when u  turn off unplug ect u may have a new ip but not always most time not but yes there is a chance  so im srry beppe  please forgive me (k)
Drifting off-topic, I thought Beppe was male?:|
Yes Bobby, some people request or pay for static IPs, whilst some companies only use them (e.g. Demon Internet always used static IPs in the past). Most do not in my experience. I have a working knowledge of the IT field - I am no way near the smartest IT people, but certainly know more than Joe Public ;)