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Greatest 9ball Player Of All Time
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Greatest 9ball Player Of All Time
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Greatest 9ball Player Of All Time
Post who you guys think is the greatest

I personally think its run'it atm
Zoka we are talking about players that dont cheat for crown:) that have skill ty.
me i have ~0 rating is that good? :)
its my highest so far is it good?
since you havn't been reset 5 times i would say so:)
[cough cough!]
in my opinion 9ball is 90% luck-game and thats why everyone can beat everyone. Thats why its hard to say who is the best. 

lol zoka got reset 5 times?       ok ronnie nice opinion :p:|
ladies who insure their cars........shella's wheels are superstars...you no we r the safest drivers we can save a bunch of fivers! ? 
y u say your best at 9ball this is tv adverts post:p
i think u got lost in post some where m8

Probably between richvan and snoopy.. a few close to these players such as the real man and skilled cue but i cudnt say there are more conssitent players than those 4
I agree those 4 are the best...but I think Adam is best, then skilled, then Rich, not too sure about Snoopy, last time I saw him he was still cheating and crying like a girl.