
Without respect toward others, no online community can function properly. Please be aware you are entering a community comprised of different age groups, heritages, races, social levels and educational backgrounds.


The forums are public and they can be used by anyone. Non-registered users can only read the forums, registered users may publish their thoughts, opinions in a way which meet the Moderation rules.

By registering as a user of  FlyOrDie games the user accepts the rules declared in this Moderation document.

You use the forum at your own risk.


FlyOrDie is free to use all messages published on the forum for any purpose. By publishing the message the user waives all of his rights related to the message. FlyOrDie does not take any responsibility regarding the contents of the messages, however if the message intereferes with its own or other's interests, it may delete the message without reasoning. Before posting a message please consider what and how you publish. Consider especially that FlyOrDie archives the messages and even after years one can search and read - even all - messages of a user.


All forums are moderated. Moderators do their activity on a voluntary basis, for free, on the request of FlyOrDie. Their primary task is to assure normal conversation between the users. Following this, moderation is subjective, its only control is that different moderators see, occasionally revise each others measures.

Moderators are not able to edit a message or partially delete it. They either leave the message in its original form or delete the entire message.

The number of moderators is small, so neither of them can see each and every messages published on the forum. Therefor we ask you that if you see a message, which - in your opinion - comes into conflict with one of the rules described in this document - it hinders cultured conversation - then notify the moderators of the message by sending an email to the moderator's email address.

Moderators inform the users about their interventions in the Moderation / notices  topic.

1. Nicks

You must not choose a nick which 

2. Deletion of messages

2.1 Unlawful messages

Messages calling to or apply to unlawful action 

2.2 Ruining conversation

2.2.1 Technical destruction: large pictures, empty messages or any other action which changes the size of the forum or hinders its regular use.

2.2.2 Content destruction: aggressive or offtopic messages hindering cultured conversation strikingly and intentionally

2.2.3 Flooding: if a message is unintentionally posted more then one time, then all instance except one will be deleted. Intentional flood means if one posts a message in more then one instance or topic.

2.3 Vulgar, aggressive, threatening language

Depending on the subject, accoding to the judgement of moderators.

2.4 Messages that criticize others rather than their views and actions

2.5 A topic offending a nick with vulgar langugage in its title or content must not be opened

2.6 One can request to delete a topic opened about him (without content and title mentioned in 2.5)

2.7 Concealed or unconcealed advertisement

2.8 Messages that disclose another individual's personal circumstances without their consent. If the referred individual already published the information, then that message must be clearly referred.

3. Banishment

3.1 Moderators must restricts the rights of users who are intentionally or repeatedly hindering cultured conversation. The ban may be temporary or permanent. In the most serious cases it may also mean the deletion of all messages of the user.

3.2 Forged nicks are deleted along with their messages.

3.3 Copying back a message, or parts of a message, which was deleted by the moderators may result in permanent banning.

4. Moving topics

4.1 Moving: Moderators move a topic if it is opened in a forum other then the forum corrsponding to the content of the topic.

4.2 Joining: Topics with similar contents may be joined by the moderators. 

Moderator email list

for complaints and requests: