
  To use emoticons in messages to show feelings, type the key combination below to put that emoticon in your message.

To send this   Type one of the following
     :)   or   :-)
    Thumbs down :D   or   :d   or   :-D   or   :-d   or   :>   or   :->
    Thumbs down :o   or   :-O
    Thumbs down :p   or   :-P
    Thumbs down ;-)   or   ;)
    Thumbs down :(   or   :-(   or   :<   or   :-<
    Thumbs down :S   or   :-S   or   :s   or   :-s
    Thumbs down :|   or   :-|
    Thumbs down (Y)   or   (y)
    Thumbs down (L)   or   (I)
    Thumbs down (U)   or   (u)
    Thumbs down (K)   or   (k)
    Thumbs down (G)   or   (g)
    Thumbs down (F)   or   (f)
    Thumbs down (X)   or   (x)
    Thumbs down (Z)   or   (z)
    Thumbs down (P)   or   (p)
    Thumbs down (N)   or   (n)
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